Friday, November 29, 2019


This morning was a fun/shorter workout. Looked extremely simple and not difficult on paper, but got a good amount of intensity out of this and got a solid tricep/shoulder pump out of the last part. 

3 Sets NFT 
4-6/arm @ 30X1 Tall Kneeling Landmine Press 
rest 15sec 
15m Crab Walk Slow Deliberate 
rest 15sec 
6-8 Dumbbell Side Plank Powell Raise 30X0 
rest 60sec
Shoulder Mobility 
3-4mins Overhead Squat With Thoracic Mobilization


A1) Barbell Z Press 
3111; 4,3,2; rest 45sec
A2) Dumbbell Cross Body Romanian Deadlift
31X0; 6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3

-95# x 4, 115# x 3, 135# x 2 ... 75# DB for deadlifts 

B1) Parallette Handstand Push Up Negatives
61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows: 
6 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Wall 
A - Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by kicking up 
2 Second hold at top of the rep
*If you don't feel confident on paralletes you can simply use the floor again for another week or use a slight deficit with weight plates
B2) Weighted Supinated Pull Up Negative
61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows: 
6 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Bar 
A - Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by jumping up with the help of a box 
2 Second hold at top of the rep
*Perform at bodyweight if tempo is hard to manage.
B3) Windshield Wiper
30X1; 6-8/side; rest 90-120sec x 3 
*Add a dumbbell between your feet for added challenge

-Complete, all sets unweighted, went 3 HSPU, 5 Pull-ups, 16 WWs each set 

C) 3-4 Sets NFT
20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry R 
20sec Archer Ring Row Hold R 
15reps Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53 
20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry L 
20sec Archer Ring Row Hold L 
20 Bench Dips 20X0 (loaded with DB between legs) 
rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.

-Complete, 3 sets ... those bench dips rocked me... we did them unweighted and they were still extremely difficult ... the time on tension on this programs always rocks me. 

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