Monday, October 12, 2020


Overall had a great workout this morning... felt good throughout and enjoyed myself on today's session. Looking forward to training tomorrow. 


Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk 20'/side

Single Arm Trap 3 Raise w/ DB Isometric x 10/arm Light Slow

Scapular Ring Rows x 10 (pause 1sec at top)

x 2-3 Sets



Bench Press

3 x 8-10 reps 

Rest as needed

-195# x 10, 200# x 10, 205# x 8 


B1) Half Kneeling DB Cross Body Press: 20X0; 10-12/arm; rest 30sec x 3

B2) L-Sit on Rings: 20-30sec; rest 30sec x 3

B3) Banded Pendlay Row: 20X0; 12-15 reps; rest 90sec x 3


-35# for the cross body press ... :20 for all sets on the rings... 115# with 1 red band for 3 x 12 on the rows... much harder than I thought this would be 

C1) Weighted Strict Pull Ups: 1 weighted rep; rest 10sec +

AMRAP Bodyweight in 20sec; rest 30sec before B2 x 3 sets

• These are tough single reps followed by bodyweight speed reps

C2) Push Up Complex: 20sec Max Reps Strict HSPU + 20sec Max Reps Push Ups

rest 2mins before C1 x 3 sets

-Complete, result = 

90# + 13 pull-ups + 10 HSPU + 20 push-ups

100# + 10 + 9 + 15

70# (failed attempt at 100#, dropped the weight a bit) + 10  + 7 + 17  ... this was fun/tough training


D1) Close Grip Bench Press: 20X0; 10-12 reps; rest 30sec x 3

D2) Single Arm KB Bottom Up March: 15 steps/arm; rest 60sec x 3

-115# for 3 x 12, 10, 10 on the bench ... 26# KB for the marches 



On a 30:00 clock: 



DB Single Arm OH March - 15 steps with 50/35# 

12 Anchored PVC Sit-ups 

500/420m Ski



1600m Bike

5 Box Jump Over 24/20"

10 Ring Push Up

15sec Chin Over Bar Hold



5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Push-ups 

10 Jumping Lunges

15sec Extended Plank

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds, but felt good on this, fun conditioning despite being the same time-domains as the conditioning yesterday. 

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