Monday, October 5, 2020


 AM Workout (0930) 

61 Minute easy run ... had to go make weight... (203) ... went from 206.2 to 202.4 from this run. It was a nice day, slight breeze, 60 and sunny ... made for a good run, last 20 minutes on this were a bit of a drag, but overall happy with how this went. 

PM Workout (1630)

Cut out the cardio after this morning's long run... just didn't have it in me to slog through another 30 minutes of aerobic effort... I'll get it in during another time this week. Overall got a nice pump from this, wasn't too taxing. 


Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk 20'/side

Single Arm Trap 3 Raise w/ DB Isometric x 10/arm Light Slow

Scapular Ring Rows x 10 (pause 1sec at top)

x 2-3 Sets



A1) Cross Body Landmine Press: 20X1; 10-12/arm; rest 30sec x 3

A2) L-Sit on Parallettes: 20-30sec; rest 30sec x 3

A3) Pendlay Row: 20X1; 10-12 reps; rest 90sec x 3

-70# for the cross-body landmine press for 3 x 10 ... 3 x :20 on the paralletes and 135# for 3 x 10 on the penally row 


B1) Wide Grip Strict Pull Ups: 21X2; 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 30sec

B2) Push Up Complex: 5 Deficit Strict HSPU Unbroken; rest 15sec + 4-7 Strict Ring Dips;

rest 90sec before B1 x 4 sets

-pull-up doubles were done at 53# ... deficit HSPU were on 45# bumpers and went 5,5,4,4 ... strict dips 4 x 7 


C1) Barbell Floor Press: 20X0; 12-14 reps; rest 30sec x 3

C2) Dual Kettlebell Overhead March; 20 steps; rest 60sec x 3

-105# for 14,14,12 and 2 x 70# KB for the marches 

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