Monday, August 29, 2022


AM Workout (0545)

Strict Pull-ups
4 Sets of: 6-10 Reps 

-26# KB For 4x10 ... went 10,10,10,9 ... failed that 40th rep, but this was solid strict pull-up work 

On a running clock:

Run 200m
Max Shoulder-to-Overhead (185/125#)

Rest 1:00

Run 400m
Max Shoulder-to-Overhead (185/125#)

Rest 2:00

Run 600m
Max Shoulder-to-Overhead (185/125#)

-Result = 
-16 ... total of 44 reps ... probably could have snuck a few more in on that second set, but I gassed out pretty good ... tried to push the run and be consistent on the shoulder-to-overhead. Fun to work this movement after not having trained much overhead (only seated strict press/db press) for most of the pandemic. Fun morning in the gym. 

PM Workout (1800)

Happy to get this in... has been a rough couple weeks for my workouts... looking forward to a vacation this weekend. 


Bench Press

3 sets x 8-10 reps

Choose a number that will have you reaching failure within the given rep range.

Lat Pull-Downs

3 sets x 8-10 reps

The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. If you do not have access to a Lat Pull-Down machine do 3 extra sets of Rack Chins

-205# for 3x10 on the bench and 145# for 3x10 on lat-pulldowns 



Close Grip Bench Press

3 sets x 8-10 reps

The goal is to reach failure within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

Supinated Grip Strict Pull-ups

3 sets x 8-10 reps

The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. Add weight if it's too easy, break up the sets if it's too difficult.

-175# for 3x8 on the CGBP and 3x8 unweighted on the pull-ups



Tricep Rock-n-Rolls

3 sets x 8-10 reps

Dumbbell Curls

3 sets x 8-10 reps

8-10 reps per arm. Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range.

-2x35# DB across for 3x10 on both movements 



Shoulder "I"s

3 sets x 15 reps

Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "I"s.

-Complete, crossover symmetry 



Shoulder "Y"s

3 sets x 15 reps

Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/ cables. Example video starts at "Y"s

-Complete, crossover symmetry 


Shoulder "T"s

3 sets x 15 reps

Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "T"s.

-Complete, crossover symmetry 

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