Friday, February 19, 2021


Had a solid workout today... got my first dose of the covid vaccine yesterday and my right shoulder was a bit sore due to that... but didn't really notice it once I got rolling. Got a big pump and then the core workout at the end was tough ... looking forward to getting after this week's workouts. 

Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-Complete, rope push-downs, went 60# x 15, 70# x 15, 70# x 15
Clap Push Ups
3 sets x max reps

Strict Pull Ups
3 sets x 8-12 reps
If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-3x12, unweighted 
Lat Pulldowns (Wide or Narrow Grip) or Single Arm Cable Pulldowns
3 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Supinated Narrow Grip Lat Pull-Downs, 105# for 3x15
Barbell Row, One Arm Dumbbell Row or T-Bar Rows
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Feel free to throw in a couple drop sets.

-DB Rows, 100# for 2x10/arm
Dumbbell Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x25# for 2x12
Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-2x25# for 2x12

Barbell Curls
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-95# for 2x10
Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs
2 sets x 8-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x100# DB or 2x15

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of: 
'Durante Core' 

-Complete... burner on the core, most length of time I've ever gone on this progression. 

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