Saturday, December 2, 2023


Today was a solid session ... squatting felt surprisingly good. 


Back Squat

3 sets x 6 reps (280# last week) 

Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, 290# (10# over last week) 



Bench Press

3 sets x 3 reps (240# last week) 

Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, 250# (10# over last week)



Incline Bench Press

3 sets x 6-12 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x12 with 165# 



Incline Dumbbell Chest Flyes or Cable Crossovers

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-3x12 with 2x15# DB



Weighted Dips

3 sets x 8-12 reps

If you cannot do weighted, do body weight. If you cannot do body weight, do banded so you can hit 8 reps. If 8 reps is too easy, do up to 12 reps or add more weight.

-3x10, BW



Close Grip Bench Press

3 sets x 6-12 reps

Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-3x12 with 135# 



Tricep Extensions

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-3x15 with 55#, rope push-downs 


Every 2 for 6 (3 sets) of: 

'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 101 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold) 


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