Wednesday, April 27, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

This morning was a very solid session. I didn't feel particularly great when I woke up, but once I got warmed up and started moving I felt pretty good. The conditioning today was rather brutal. No part of it was extremely difficult, but put all together it was really taxing.

Pause Floor Press
Build to a heavy single
Then 80% of that 3x3
Then 70% of that 4x4
Rest as needed

-Single = 225#, failed 235# ... felt really weak with the pause at the bottom... haven't floor pressed much ever before and it is much more difficult for me than regular bench press. Great for saving my shoulder health though, zero pain! 

Sling-Shot Bench Press
3 sets of 10
Rest as needed

-185# across ... just wanted to get in some reps here, went through this quickly. 

“Jumping Helen”
3 RFT:
50 Double-Unders 
21 KBS (53/35#)
12 Pull-ups

Rest 5:00

3 RFT:
7 Clean and Jerk (135#)
7 Ring Muscle-ups

Rest 5:00

7 RFT:
250m Row
5 Strict HSPU


-First workout was unbroken aside from one missed DU ... really blew up my grip
-Second workout was all singles on C+J and 4/3 for each set of MU ... this was much harder for me than I thought it would be. I can usually bang out 7 MU easily, but that was not happening after the 36 pull-ups and 63 KBS in the first part.
-Third workout I just wanted to get unbroken, so I tried to pace it out with a 2:00 500m pace for all the rows. Got the first 6 sets unbroken on HSPU and then went to complete failure and had to do the last set of HSPU as 4/1 ... really gassed my triceps and shoulders. These workouts were all body-weight centric and light, not really the things I'm best at. My girlfriend really pushed me on all these workouts, which was a great training environment.

3 Sets:
Side Planks - :60 Right
Rest as needed
Side Planks - :60 Left
Rest as needed
Tempo DB Curls (1 up, 4 sec down) x 10 reps (2x 25# DB)
Rest as needed
DB Extensions x 10 reps (2 x 25#)
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1545) 

3 Mile TT

-21:45 ... mile splits were:


This is really slow for me... it was very windy, very cold and I was running by myself ... not ideal. I have to say, I've never done a 3 mile on a track and it sucked. I always run out and backs and just going around the track 12 times sucked more than anything I've done in a while. It took a lot of discipline for me to get out out there and just do this alone. I was tired, didn't feel great and the weather was terrible... maybe this morning was a bit taxing on me. Idk, glad I at least did this, even if it wasn't my best performance. I have a lot of work to do to get back to around 18 minutes. 

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