Friday, March 22, 2019


AM Workout (0830)

This morning was a decent workout, not too taxing overall, got a solid back/bicep pump. Was doing these sets of pull-ups on a shitty plastic bodybuilding rig ... not ideal for pull-ups, so didn't add any weight... the weird bar was tough enough.

Pull Ups
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight.

-Complete, unweighted at 15/15/12 with :90 rest 

Rack Chins
3 sets x 15-20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. Add weight if it's too easy, break up the sets if it's too difficult.

-Complete, unweighted at 12/12/12 with :90 rest

Lat Pull-Downs
4 sets x 15-20 reps
the goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. If you do not have access to a Lat-Pull Down machine do 3 extra sets of rack chins.

-Complete, 4 x 20 with 80#, 80#, 90#, 90# 

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls
3 sets x 15-20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-Complete, 2 x 25# DB, 3 x 15 (each arm)

Dumbbell Front Raises
3 sets x 20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-Complete, 2 x 12.5# DB 

Shoulder "Y"s
3 sets x 15 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/ cables. Example video starts at "Y"s
Side Plank x :90 (:45 each side)

-Complete, cables

Shoulder "T"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "T"s.
3 x 'Durante Core' (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)

-Complete, cables

3 Sets:
EZ Bar Curls (55#) x 15 reps
Rest :60


PM Workout (1600)

It was over 60 degrees and sunny today... first real spring weather we've had. Glad the weather is getting better given I'm shooting all week and I'm stoked for some great weather to run/workout in. Anyway, got in a short track workout this afternoon... will be taking a PFT here sometime before 31 May. 

Every 3 for 18 (6 sets) of:
400m Run

-79,78,79,79,79,74 ... kept this around a 80-85% effort ... felt very consistent and then picked it up a bit on the last interval. Felt great to run and enjoy myself. Really stoked to run a lot this spring/summer/fall. 

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