Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Today was a solid workout, probably the 'easiest' I've done this week on this program. Overall was a tough shoulder session though, very high rep stuff, which I'm not used to ... was surprisingly taxing toward the end.

Bench Press Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 40-60%
Perform Upright Barbell Rows@40-60% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers!


Bench Press
5 sets x 5 reps @ 70% (185#) 
70% of your one rep max bench press.

-Complete ... very easy/light

Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
3 sets x 12-15 reps
The goal is to come as close to failure as possible without actually failing within the given rep range for all three sets. 12-15 reps per arm.

-All sets of 15 reps, went 40s, 45s, 50s 

Strict Press
3 sets x 5 reps @ 65-70% (125-135#) 
65-70% of your one rep max strict press.

-Complete across at 135# (70%) ... felt easy, but on the final set, 2nd rep, receiving the bar back down in  the front rack, felt a bit of pain in the my T-Spine where my injury from Friday was... this really bummed me out, went back and finished this set without pain... I was really hoping this would heal very quickly as it has been improving, but obviously still not where it needs to be. 

Half Kneeling Single Arm Kettlebell Press
3 sets x 12-15 reps
The goal is to come as close to failure as possible without actually failing within the given rep range for all three sets. 12-15 reps per arm.

-All sets of 15 reps, went 25#, 35#, 35# KB 

Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. These can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-All sets of 15 reps, with 50# cape rope pull-downs 

Land-Mine Press
3 sets x 12-15 reps
The goal is to come as close to failure as possible without actually failing within the given rep range for all three sets. 12-15 reps each arm. 

-All sets of 15 reps, with 70# (45# bar plus a 25# plate) 

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