Monday, November 19, 2012


Today was a one-day competition. I felt okay, but today was one of my worst performances ever. My goal was top 10 (out of ~50 athletes registered). There was 90 minutes rest between each WOD.

Workout 1:
3 RFT:
15 Bar-facing Burpees (hand-release)
20 Power Clean (95#)

-5.22. Took 7th in the event. Went hard, paced the burpees and tried to go HAM on the power cleans. I was happy with my performance on this WOD.

Workout 2:
40 Shoulder-to-Overhead
30 Over-the-box Jumps (24")
20 Ground-to-Overhead
10 Over-the-box Jumps (24")

My time was a ~6:30. I think I took 14th in this event. I wasn't unhappy with my performance, but a little frustrated because my elbow injury has drastically reduced my shoulder-to-overhead capability. I haven't done a press from the rack position in over two months. I was really happy that my elbow didn't hurt (especially the next day). But just considering how little I've been training this movement, it was just a rough WOD. I know that a year ago my time on this would have been faster; that is not a good feeling. But I will get my strength in my shoulders back eventually. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude and just be happy that my elbow is more-or-less 'back to normal.'

Workout 3:
10 minute AMRAP:
20 Wall-ball
15 Front Squats (185#)
20 T2B

1 Round + 8 HSPU. This was an awful experience. I don't even want to write about it. It was like 'Dianne' at regionals all over again. After the push-jerks from WOD 2 there was just nothing in my shoulders. The HSPU ruined me; everything else was easy. I was doing singles and getting a ton of no-reps on that second set. I was really hoping for a better performance in this workout. It was just an awful/embarrassing experience.

Overall took 14th. I was extremely upset about this competition. I've been feeling like shit lately and I felt like more shit today. Today was discouraging.

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