Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Gave 15.3 another run through today. I am still sore in my quads and I did worse. For the first time in the entirety of my time doing crossfit, I did worse on the second time of doing an Open workout. I was extremely embarrased and pissed off about this. I tried to pace the workout a little better, but just ended up with less time for the last set of DU and got about 40 reps less. My hip is injured and I'm totally stressed out outside the gym and I'm generally burnt out on crossfit as a competitive sport. It's not fun anymore and hasn't been since the first week of the Open. I want to enjoy training and my fitness again. I'll do the rest of the Open WODs this year, but I have zero desire to compete given my inability to do my best.

7 Muscle-ups
50 WB
100 DU

-401 reps (worse than Friday). I didn't feel like an athlete... I just felt like shit from the start. I don't feel like myself and didn't have any gas in the tank when I tried to go. Really embarrassing. There are so many times in my life when I would have been capable of putting up a bigger number. This is just a complete failure of a workout and I personally feel like I need some time away from "competing" in crossfit.

Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Power Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 5-10 seconds between singles)

-2 minutes @ 165#
-2 minutes @ 185#
-2 minutes @ 195#
-3 minutes @ 205# (PR) x 3 times
-1 minute @ 210#  (PR)

-There were some %s written out, but basically went off feel. I haven't done much pulling off the floor in weeks, despite that, my snatch felt very strong today. My previous 3 RM power snatch was 200# from last August. I felt really good on this lift today and went well over that for 4 sets. This is the first time I've PRed anything since reinjuring my back on 2/18/15. I've felt like shit basically since then and the last month has been a really frustrating experience. At least I had a little fun with some heavier snatches today.

Death by Strict Pull-ups

-Got through the set of 9, didn't attempt 10. Called it there.

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