Monday, June 4, 2018


AM Crossfit (0600) 

This morning was a really solid workout... one of the best I've had in a long time. I felt pretty solid on everything, despite the fact I was sore as hell when I woke up this morning. Did a bit more thorough of a warm-up than usual and got after the session. I was legitimately scared prior to beginning the first part... I didn't know if I could actually get through all those reps with that weight... just took it one heavy ass rep at a time and got through it... at least the set of 5 Front Squats was unbroken.

For Time:
7 Rope Climbs (15′)
6 Power Cleans (275/185)
5 Front Squats (275/185)
4 Squat Cleans (275/185)
3 Clean and Jerks (275/185)
Athletes choice on squat or power on final three repetitions.

-16:35 ... splits were 2 minutes for the rope climbs, finished squat cleans at 11 minutes... last 3 clean and jerks took me over 5 minutes ... overall this was an insane workout. I am very proud of myself for getting after this at the RXed weight... there was a huge side of me that wanted to scale it back to 225-255ish... but I did it and got through it, even with a slow time. Great stuff, way outside my comfort zone, what it is all about.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

For Time:
70/50 Calorie Row
50 Power Cleans (135/95)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24)
30 Front Rack Reverse Lunge (135/95)

-14:20 ... rough conditioning, but felt surprisingly good.

4 Super-Sets:
6 Push Press
6 Deadlifts
Build to a heavy set of 6 on both over the 4 sets.

-Went 185# for the Push-Press and 335# for the dead-lifts across on all sets ... did not use a belt on any of sets ... I was pretty much crushed from parts A and B... I had intended to increase the loading from 185/335# but ended up just staying there.

3 Sets:
25 GHD Sit-Ups
Rest is partner's set


PM Running (1800)

I was extremely sore after the last three days of training... but got to the track and it was perfect weather and we got after it. Didn't feel completely horrible on these intervals despite not running much lately. Looking forward to getting all this program in over the next 6 weeks. Tried to maintain a 6:00 mile pace on the 'moderate' intervals, went all out on the fast intervals. Overall really fun time and not the most taxing interval session I've ever done, but still had a great time.

1000m Moderate Pace
400m Fast Pace
700m Moderate Pace
300m Fast Pace
600m Moderate Pace
200m at Fast Pace

3 Minutes Rest Between all Reps

-Result =
1000m = 3:30
400m = 73
700m = 2:34
300m = 60
600m = ? don't remember
200m = 31 

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