Thursday, December 15, 2011


AM Workout (0845)

Today was the best session I've had in a while. It looked like this:

Back Squat - 5,5,10,20 - 225,295,315,255 - This was basically two warm up sets, a 10 rep 80%, then 20 reps at 80% of my 80% 1 rep max. Crazy effort, awesome stuff. 315 for 10 unbroken reps has been a goal of mine for a while. It's awesome to see progress, a year ago this was my 1 RM.

Bench Press - Heavy Singles - 195,205,225 - My bench press is horrible in comparison to my squat. These felt hard, after the back squats even bench press was hard.

Rest 10 minutes then....

30 Minute AMRAP:

10 Minutes:
7 Burpees
12 Box Jumps 24" - 10 rounds

10 Minutes:
L-Pull-ups (1,1,2,2,3,3,... etc ) - Got through 5 L-pull-ups + 1 HSPU

10 Minutes:
7 DB Push-Press (2 x 30#)
12 Split Jumps - 14 Rounds + 7 DB Push-Press

Awesome day. I was extremely happy about the 315 lb x 10 on back squat. Can't wait for that 400 lb back squat. The metcon was hard. The first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes were fast and extremely challenging. The 10 minutes of HSPU and L-pull-ups was more of a skill session, but I was sweating and breathing hard, just not as hard. Excited for tomorrow!

PM Workout (1830)

Mobility and running drills.

4 x 800m @ 3 minutes rest

2:37, 2:45, 2:55, 3:00

The efforts on these were all out every time. My legs really felt like jello after the squats this morning. I tried to eat as much as I could between the workouts and I got in a 90 minute nap. But after a workout like this morning, there is only so much the body can recover without a night's sleep. If I were fresh I think I could run in sub 2:25. Overall an awesome day, I love these interval sessions.

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