Monday, January 28, 2013


Today was the best day of training I've had in a while. I felt awesome. My rest and eating are in check better than they have been in months and I REALLY feel it. I remember feeling this great when I was training hard last year. It's great to be back in the game mentally, injury free and ready to throw down.

AM Workout (0800) 


On a 20:00 clock:
:30 easy
:30 at 100%
-Complete, didn't calculate calories or anything, just went for quality intensity. This was my first airdyne workout ever and it kicked my ass. Great stuff.

PM Workout (1500) 

I was tight in my posterior chain from Friday, but I went through a thorough warm-up and once I got rolling into the singles I started to feel solid. I was really happy to PR. I haven't been snatching much, but I've been working technique and I changed my grip to full out collar-to-collar and its helping a TON. Stoked to get 225# overhead soon!

Snatch - 1 RM
-Warmed up then...
Singles: 175, 185, 195, 202, 207, 210, 212# (7# PR), failed 214# three times and called it a day, almost had it.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Dead-hang Pull-ups Sets (11 sets total, 7 reps each set) @ 60 seconds rest:
Chin-over right hand
Chin-over left hand
Wide Grip
Narrow Grip
Mixed Grip
Mixed Grip Opposite last set

Rest 5 minutes then...

2 Rounds Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)
330m Run

6 Rounds exactly. Solid workout, felt really good on the bodyweight stuff. Runs were a little slow, but I haven't been running much lately. Overall an amazing day of training. I'm stoked to workout tomorrow!

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