Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Well my back felt worse today than it has since this minor injury. I've just been training through everything and it is not getting any better. It doesn't feel that painful, just a slight dullness. It goes away a lot when I warm up, not really sure what it is. Going to get some chiro/ART work in on Thursday though. I'm definitely looking forward to competing AND to taking a week off exercise after Regionals to left everything heal up.

Handstand Walk
Accumulate between 400 and 600 feet in as few attempts as possible. Treat this as deep learning practice. Stop, take time to correct positions and make it as proficient as possible.

-Didn't get exact distance, measured out 10/20/30 feet on floor and practiced for 20 minutes. Consistently getting 10-15 feet, want to get 30+ at regionals.

Hang Snatch
Build to your desired opening weight, and then perform 3 sets at that opening weight.

-Built up to 185#. Will probably go 185#, 205#, 215#+ at regionals. Hang snatch is a little awkward for me, but I'm excited to try to PR it.

Two rounds for time of:
50 Alternating Pistols
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175/115 lbs)

-9:40. 4:00 / 5:40 splits. Lost a lot of time on second set of pistols. Everything else felt really solid though.
-Pistols at a solid pace on the first set, at a slower pace on the second set
-MU: Unbroken, 4/2/1
-Cleans 8/2, Unbroken

Rest exactly 3 minutes then...

Three sets for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
Rest exactly 3 minutes
Try to keep all three sets within 10 seconds of each other. Note paces for all 3 sets.


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