Saturday, September 12, 2015


Today was a good workout. It was a much lower volume session, but I think that is good for my body. No pain today, felt great on everything. Haven't cleaned heavy in a very long time, so I didn't feel particularly strong there, but I'll take a single at 90% (285#) of my 1 RM power clean (315#) given that I haven't cleaned basically at all since early February.

On a 28:00 clock, 2 rounds, for max reps/pounds:

2 minutes max reps Toes-to-Bar
2 minutes max reps Calorie Row
2 minutes max reps Double-unders
Rest 1 minute
6 minutes to establish 1 RM Clean
Rest 1 minute


-40 + 35 + 150 + 285# = 510 reps
-40 + 30 + 130 + 275# = 475 reps

-Didn't squat during the clean, was catching really high not to mess with my hip. 285# is the heaviest power clean I've done in a very long time. Happy to get it off the floor without pain. Hit 275# easily on the second round... jumped up to to 295# and attempted it twice, but missed both. Overall a good workout which was really fun to game and try to get the most reps possible... which I might have gamed too much in order to save myself for the clean... but whatever, was a great workout anyway. Fun/easier/care-free day in the gym, really enjoyed myself this morning. I am happy I could run 9/10-ish miles yesterday in 90 degree weather over rolling hills and feel fresh enough to hit a 285# power clean during a conditioning workout the next day... that is pretty cool and something that for much of my life I never thought my body would be capable of ever doing. This hip injury has been a serious setback, but I need to appreciate what I have achieved over the years. Great stuff!

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