Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today was a good strength session, but I injured myself on the metcon. Missed a box jump while I was very fatigued. I hit the middle of my left shin on the angle of the box. There was a lot of fascia and some bone exposed. Needless to say I stopped the WOD and went to the emergency room. Five stitches later I feel much better. They numbed the area, I don't know how bad it will hurt tomorrow.

Squat Clean - 2 x 5 - 205,215,225,231,240 - each set was touch and go. The last two sets were great. Technically a 1 RM PR for squat clean, even though it was a double. Will go for a single PR soon.

On the metcon I hurt myself. I did do 5 ground to overhead with 205 and ten burpees, then the box jumps where I hurt myself were right after that.

I was extremely upset at first due to the fact that I might not be able to compete next week, or that I would have to take some time off from training. But I think this should heal up quickly and I will be able to continue training and compete. I'm happy about the squat clean, obviously very unhappy about the injury.

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