Monday, March 5, 2012


AM Workout (0900)

Today was a great training session. It was really nice not to have an Open workout to stress about. During the open my favorite time of the week is Sunday at 5:01 PM to Wednesday at 4:59 PM. The rest of the time is stressful and distracting from training. So today was just straight training; being a gym rat on the grind. It's what I'm all about. I had an awesome athlete to train with and we pushed it.

Thruster (from rack)

Reps: 1-10-1-20-1-30 (fail - got 25)
Percentage: 90, 70 (-10#), 90, 60 (-10#), 90, 50 (-10#)
Weight (#): 205, 155, 205, 127, 205, 106

Some of the reps were a few lbs off because all the small plates were in KGs, but it was close enough. I dropped 10 lbs off each of the volume sets because I was feeling it my shoulders (probably from 12.2 two days in a row). I'm pretty pissed I missed the last 5 reps on the last set, but I was fried, huge effort, but my shoulders just gave out. Awesome strength session with a good athlete.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes:
2 Muscle-ups (25# vest)

Straight into...

Every minute on the minute for 4 minutes:
2 Muscle-ups (strict, exaggerate and pause turn out at bottom)

Straight into...

5 Minute AMRAP:
5 Burpees
7 Squat Jumps
9 Sit-ups

Rest 1 minute

4 Minute AMRAP:
20 Lunge Steps (alternating)
10 KB Swings (53#)

Rest 1 minute

3 Minute AMRAP:
12 Knees-to-elbows
12 Box Jumps (24")

Rest 1 minute

2 Minute AMRAP:

Rest 1 minute:

1 Minute AMRAP:

Ending up getting 475 total reps. I was a dumb-ass and tangled my rope for the last minute, I only got about 40 seconds of double-unders. I messed up once at 20 reps and then got another 69 unbroken for 89 reps. Solid effort overall, felt decent. Great day in the gym. Excited to train again soon!

PM Workout (1730)

I was extremely tight in my hamstrings this afternoon. My traps have never been this sore. I had a session planned and after a warm-up I felt ok. It ended up looking like this:

10 Rounds @ 60 seconds rest:
7 Strict Pull-ups
6 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)

-I felt really good on everything, linking games standard box jumps at 30" is feeling a lot better than it used to. I felt really light on the pull-ups and got the HSPU unbroken and felt good.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
Bar Facing Burpees

5.44. This workout was terrible. If I was fresh it would have been fine, but I just gassed out hard. I got all the burpees fast and unbroken, but the sets of 15/9 on the bar were broken up. I was really hoping for sub five and unbroken on this workout. I just noticed by how hard everything about this WOD felt and knew to back off. I cut out the other short metcon I had planned and I'm going to back off the volume tomorrow as well. Overall a solid training session, may have bitten off a little much today. But sometimes that happens, you just have to back off a little. The first workout today was definitely a more quality session, but overall a solid day of training.

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