Friday, October 19, 2012


Today was a bit of a rough day. I felt good overall, but I programmed myself some rough movements for me.

I was thinking the about programming the other day, basically comparing myself to other athletes. I was attempting to put together workouts that would crush myself and workouts that would crush other athletes, but that I would excel at.

My goal is to confidently walk up to any working/programming and excel. I know a lot of other athletes and I know exactly how to program a workout that I would beat them at simply out of the structure of the workout/movements involved. Through this perspective on programming, I basically programmed myself a day that would crush me/make me look bad/ a WOD in a competition I would place poorly in. I am going to structure a lot of my workouts like this going forward. I'm not going to ignore my strengths, I'm just going to put a huge bias on my weaknesses (at least more so than in the past). My weaknesses are the areas in which I have the most athleticism to gain and my goals are primarily orientated about improving these weaknesses.

Having said all that, today was all about my weaknesses and the workout rocked me. Solid session.

Bench Press + T2B

10 Sets:
10 Bench Press + 7 T2B

2 Waves:
2 Sets @ 135# + 7 T2B
2 Sets @ 145# + 7 T2B
1 Set @ 155 # + 7 T2B

100 (bench)/70 (T2B) reps. Solid volume.

Rest 20 minutes...

20 Minute AMRAP:
4 Ring-Dips
8 Burpees
12 Wall-ball

6 Rd. + 3 HSPU. This is not a good score. My ability to press was just shot from the bench pressing. I had to do a lot of singles on both the HSPU and Ring Dips. A solid workout though. I need to program more to my weaknesses and today was a perfect example of that. More of these to come in the future.

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