Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today was a solid session. I wasn't as smoked from yesterday as I thought I'd be. Feeling decently fit right now. My aerobic capacity isn't what it's been in the past, but overall it's coming along. I feel way better than I did 1-2 months ago. Not binge drinking is helping a lot with that. I love the progress I'm seeing / where my training is headed. Great stuff.

Dead-hang Pull-ups
1,2,3,4... (rest is :10 x reps completed - i.e. :10, :20, :30, :40...)

-I got to 11 reps, failed on the 12th rep of the 12th set. Great effort, felt strong.

Dead-hang Pull-ups:
8 Sets of 5 reps (15# vest), varying grips @ 60 seconds rest
1. Underhand
2. Overhand
3. Mixed
4. Chin over right hand
5. Mixed - opposite above
6. Chin over left hand
7. Underhand
8. Overhand

-Felt strong, was fairly taxed by the end of this. Stoked that these feel so great.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
Box Jumps (30")

-This took just over 10 minutes. My HSPUs just were not feeling great today. They are coming a long, but I should be able to do this WOD in about half this time or even less. I worked on my HSPU technique for about 20 minutes after this workout. They are coming along; and have come an even longer way, but they are still my weakest movement.

Rest 20 minutes then...

3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
30 Burpees
15 Snatch (135#)

18.02. Solid effort on this. Very aerobic. The burpees were awful. The snatch felt decent, it was just heavy enough to suck. Great metcon. During the last 400m run I just had that feeling, running down the streets of Chicago in the cold wind, "why the hell am I doing this to myself." I love that feeling. It means you are doing hard ass work. Your rational mind is telling you no, but you just go. That's what it's all about. Great session. Stoked for Friday!

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