Sunday, May 27, 2012


Day two. I wasn't extremely sore this morning. I was wrecked and asleep by 8 pm though.

Event 3

4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 ft Sprint

I ended up with a time of 7.23. This is so much better than I thought I was capable of; I was ecstatic at the finish of this workout. When I first practiced this workout (with a 200m run instead of ft) it took me 19 minutes. With some technique work on the snatch my best time on the this workout was ~9:30. To PR by two minutes on this workout was great. Between the crowd and the athletes around me that 100# felt really light. I just went for it. It was so great to PR by so much. Warming up for this workout I was nervous as hell. My left arm is not happy about a 1 arm DB Snatch at 100#, but I just kept going for it, I only missed 1 rep. When I first saw this workout  I didn't even know if I could get the minimum amount of work done (10 reps). This is a perfect example of just stepping up and performing when given a challenge. I didn't hesitate, I didn't doubt myself, I just went for it. To me, that's what crossfit is all about.

Event 4

For time:
50 Back squats (135 / 95 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (135 / 95 lbs)
50 Front squats (85 / 65 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (85 / 65 lbs)
50 Overhead squats (65 / 45 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (65 / 45 lbs)

This event did not go as well I was hoping. By the time this event came around, my body was toasted. I did not feel recovered at all. About 10 reps into the back squats my legs started hurting. I got the set unbroken as planned, but it was slower than it should have been. What really got me on this workout was the pull-ups. My forearms were shot from all the hang cleans yesterday. It's amazing how taxed I felt on the pull-ups. When I practiced this workout my pull-up sets were 20/10/10 with short breaks. That plan went the hell out the window on the first set. At this point it was just a battle. The shoulder-to-overhead went pretty fast, but the overhead squats killed me. I didn't even get to the last set of pull-ups (I was somewhere in the middle of the last set of pull-ups when I practiced this workout). I was happy simply because I went as hard as I could given the conditions, but I wish I could have done better.

Lessons learned:
-Do more chippers. I was aware of this, I suck at chippers. Also do more chippers as the second workout of the day. I would never program a chipper as the second WOD of the day and I sure as hell felt that fact during this workout.
-Do more chippers with descending weights but uniform rep schemes. I never do workouts like this, I will do more of them this year.
-I was confident coming off of event 2 yesterday and I rode that confidence into event 3. Confidence can go a long way. 
-Next year I will not watch other events. I will be lying down or foam rolling the entire time I'm not working out or warming up. I was wrecked by the end of the day. And when I say that I mean completely, more-so than I ever get from training.

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