Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 AM Workout (1100)

Felt pretty decent today, was a little tight throughout my posterior chain and body in general. Overall had a great workout though.

3 Rounds:

AMRAP 2 minutes:
Kipping HSPU - regional standard.
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Butterfly Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes

16, 40, 15, 40, 13, 30 - technical session. Tried to find positions that felt good. HSPU felt really good, but I tweaked my neck a little bit. I'm trying to really get my butterfly under control. I've been neglecting it. It will help me a lot during event 4 if I get it down.

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM for 10 minutes:

20 Double-unders, 1 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats

-first 2 minutes @ 135#
-next 8 minutes @ 155#

-I originally planned to go up to 175-185, but 155 felt hard toward the end. The double-unders left little room for rest. Solid work even though I didn't go quite as heavy as planned.

-Protein shake, small apple, rest 45 minutes then...

 4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200m Run

-19.43. Ouch. I have probably done dumbbell snatch once or twice in my life prior to the announcement of the 2012 regional workouts. These were tough. I didn't even know if I could do one of these. It was great to do them. I've got to do a lot more of these in the coming weeks. I would have never thought to program these into my training. I missed my first rep on my left arm. But once I got into the workout I got more confident with them. I missed a few more reps, but I had to take a lot of rest between sets. They are not too bad with my right arm, challenging with my left. Going to practice these again soon. I had to go to a different gym (not a crossfit gym) in order to use a 100# dumbbell. I wish my gym actually had one, but the gym I'm currently at isn't known for its heavy weight lifting.

PM Workout (1800)

Had a great PM session. My legs were a little fried, but overall everything felt good. My lungs felt great.

5 x 500m Row @ 2 minutes rest

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time:
1600m Run

All the rowing intervals were between 1:35-39. I was going for consistency on these, training for that 2k at regionals. The run was a little slower than I wanted, I came in at 6:10. Between the workouts this morning and the rowing, my legs were just not having that run. Solid training session, overall a great day of training. 

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