Wednesday, June 27, 2012


 Workout 1 (0530)

This morning was great. I woke up at 0500, was running by 0530. I got with a buddy of mine that I haven't seen in years and we ran all over the Boise foothills for a total running time of 68 minutes. He's way into triathlon and I didn't really know what to expect. I haven't run that long in a while. I remember I did an ~7 mile run in April, but haven't done much distance running since. I really surprised myself and felt great and had an awesome conversation with an awesome person. It's pretty cool what crossfit allows the body to do. It's great to be able to go out and go for a 70 minute run over rolling hills with an endurance athlete without any training at all. I wouldn't do this every day, but it was a great way to spend my morning!

Workout 2 (1600)

Took two naps between workouts. This morning was an early workout and I'm not used to such a long run. I felt a little tired this afternoon, but nothing too bad. Reflecting on regionals and other competitions, I knew I had a lot more in my tank even though I didn't feel 100%.  I put something together with my buddy on the spot, it ended up being great conditioning.

5 Rounds @ 2 Minutes Rest:

On a 4:00 Clock:
500m Row
30 GHD Sit-ups
-Max Reps Muscle-ups in remaining time; score for muscle-ups completed

4,2,3,1,3 - rough. I had barely any time on the rings each round. Very steep clock. But overall a really solid effort. The GHDs rocked me. I haven't done these in probably a month. Really solid conditioning. Rowing felt good. Excited for tomorrow!

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