Saturday, March 12, 2011


I felt pretty good when I woke up today. I got almost 8 hours of sleep and the high intake yesterday really helped me recover despite the two workouts yesterday. I was moderately sore in my back/posterior chain and my triceps were sore from the metcon yesterday. Anyway, today's workout was great. It was a 68 minute run in the foothills. The entire run was rolling hills, from the first minute in until the 67th minute. There was not any stretch more than a few hundred feet that was flat. I felt decent despite the two workouts yesterday. I ran with some guys that are fast; sub five minute milers (one ran a 4.29 this week). I don't know exactly the distance of today's run, it was just lots of rollings hills and muddy. This is exactly what I need to do for Robie Creek (34 days away!). I felt exhausted at the end of this run, the pace never let up. And running with guys that literally ONLY run (no cross training) they tend to start slow and once warmed up increase the pace, ending at an extremely fast pace. This is good for my aerobic capacity, but not exactly what I'm looking for out of my 'active recovery.' Anyway, today was a great day and took a mental effort on my part that I usually don't delve into when running by myself. I definitely still love running; I've forgot how good it feels to run fast. But to be completely honest I love crossfit and lifting more.

Also, today is my cheat day for the month of March. My food didn't really change much (I don't crave anything these days, a stark contrast from a few years ago); but I definitely enjoyed some beers.

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