Thursday, March 3, 2011


I felt decent when I woke up this morning. I got a little under 8 hours of sleep. I was tight when I got in the gym; especially in my hips. I did an exceptionally long warm-up. The workout looked like this:

6 x 2 C&J @ 135 lb
5 x 5 Snatch @ 45 lb

Super-set for 10 sets:
5 Back Squats @ 265 lb
5 RDL @ 230 lb

The first part of the workout was supposed to be much heavier. My shoulders and triceps were extremely sore and I just did not have any gas in my tank. I just worked on form with my coach and went through the movements.

The second part of the workout, 10 super-sets, was extremely challenging. I got really light headed toward the end of the sets. I took 2 minutes rest between sets 1-5 and then 2:30 for sets 6-10. I haven't taxed my legs like this for a while. I was disappointed I could not complete the first half of the workout as prescribed. My shoulders and triceps were just too overloaded. But I really redeemed myself on the second part of the workout. I was skeptical of doing 265 for 10 sets of 5, but I ended up nailing all the reps. It felt very rewarding. Getting stronger is fun. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana, 1 cup FF Milk (Total: 625 Cal, 19g F, 77g C, 47g P)

Meal 3 - Whey Protein, 24 Almonds, 2 Slices WW Bread (550 Cal, 23g F, 57g C, 42g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1.5 cups WW Pasta, 1 cup FF Milk, 8 Strawberries, Mixed Veggies (700 Cal, 8.5g F, 76g C, 64g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread (570 Cal, 8g F, 48g C, 54g P)

Daily Total (high carb): 2625 Cal, 65g F, 272.5g C, 220g P

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