Saturday, December 31, 2016


Today was a solid day in the gym ... Alex and I didn't get to do a '12 Days of Christmas' workout last week. It has been something I always do this time of year... so I wanted to get one it. Alex and I made the workout up together and got through it. It was very gymnastics based, but overall a very good '12 Days' variation. 

For time:
'12 Days of New Years'
1 - Rope Climb (15')
2 - Bar Muscle-ups
3 - Strict HSPU
4 - Hang Power Cleans (175/125#)
5 - C2B Pull-ups
6 - Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
7 - Toes-to-Bar
8 - Kettle-Bell Swings (70/53#)
9 - Pistols
10 - Dead-lifts (175/125#)
11 - 10 Meter Shuttle Run (run forwards 10m and run backwards 10m = 1 rep)
12 - Ring Muscle-ups

Follow the movements to the tune of the song 12 days of Christmas. It’ll go like this . . .

1 – 1 Rope Climb
 2 Bar MU, 1 Rope Climb
3 – 3 SHSPU, 2 Bar MU, 1 Rope Climb etc... 

-51:04 (Doug) ... figured this would take 50-60 minutes when we finished writing it up, overall a solid workout, everything unbroken except the set of 12 Ring Muscle-ups, which was 6/3/3.
-1:01 (Alex)

20 Minute ROMWOD


Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Today was a decent workout ... did some lower volume training, just hit a quick strength piece and then jumped into a class WOD at the local gym here in Boise ... overall a decent workout, felt weak on the bench press, but my shoulder and chest are smoked from Wednesday ... felt solid on the conditioning. 

5 Super-Sets:
Bench Press x 3 reps 
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps 
Rest 2:00 

-165#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 205# (Fail - 1 rep) ... chest just gave out on that last one ... was really sore when I started this... worst I've felt pressing in a while. 

For time:
Calorie Row
Thrusters (95/65#)

straight into... 

Calorie Row
Hang Squat Clean (95/65#)

straight into... 

Overhead Squats (95/65#) 

-15:35 ... burner on the lungs, barbell movements unbroken, burpees felt slow, but overall felt fit. 


Complete Rest


AM Workout (1100)

Worked out alone today, which was a bit rough, but once I got going I felt fit and had a good workout. I felt pretty solid on pretty much everything, which was surprising. Overall my body is feeling much better than it did after that last field exercise ... amazing what a couple weeks of solid workouts and good rest can do.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
1 Power Clean + 1 Push-Press + 1 Power-Jerk + 1 Split-Jerk

-185#, 185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 205#, 215#, 215#, 220#, 225# ... not super heavy, the push-press was definitely the limiting factor here, but this was good training.

For time:
12 Thrusters (165/110#)
12 Burpees-over-the-bar
12 Squat Clean Thrusters (165/110#)
12 Burpees-over-the-bar
12 Ground-to-Overhead (165/110#)
12 Burpees-over-the-bar

Rest 5 minutes then...

GHD Sit-ups
Ring Dips

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 RFT:
15 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
25 KBS (53/35#)
5 Dead-lifts (315/225#)

-10:20 ... was gunning for under 10, thrusters were 8/4 and all other barbells movements were singles.
-4:11 ... this surprised me with how fast I went through this, dips were 10/6/5, 8/7 and 9
-7:40 ... had some outrageous transitions here across the entire gym ... could have gone a lot faster under different conditions, but still got a solid workout out of this.

3 Super-Sets:
Incline DB Bench Press x 12 reps @ (2 x 45# DB)
Supinated Grip BB Row x 8 reps @ (135#)
Rest 2:00


3 Super-Sets:
Standing EZ Bar Curls x 10 reps @ (50# + EZ bar of unknown weight)
Inclined EZ Bar Tricep Extensions x 10 reps @ (50# + EZ bar of unknown weight)
Rest 2:00


PM Workout (1600) 

60 Minute Yoga Class


Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today was the best workout I've had in a while ... eating real food yesterday and removing the random large amounts of sugar helped me feel a lot better.

Squat Snatch
Take 20 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Single

Singles = 205#, 215#, 220#, 225# (f), 225# ... came back and nailed 225# ... this is the most I've snatched since TBS started ... felt heavier then 225# should, but I was happy with nailing it and to snatch below parallel without pain.

For time:
20 Snatches @ 55% (125#) of Today's Single
15 Snatches @ 70% (155#) of Today's Single
10 Snatches @ 85% (195#) of Today's Single

-10:40 ... was trying to get under 10:00... finished the set of 15 at 6:04 ... the reps at 195# were tough, heaviest workout I've done in a while ... my fiance kicked my ass on this and finished like two minutes before me. It is always fun to workout with her.

Rest 10-15 Minutes then...

EMOM 30 (10 sets):
Min 1 - 12 Calorie Assault Bike
Min 2 - 30 Double-Unders + 8 C2B Pull-ups
Min 3 - 12 Burpees

-Complete ... this was some solid cardio ... haven't done a 30 Minute EMOM like this since TBS started... I really miss training like this. Overall a great workout and I'm glad I got it in.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Went in and did the class workout today ... pretty sure I was hungover today from all the sugar I had yesterday ... overall got a lot of intensity out of the workout, even if it was lower volume overall. Detoxing from all the crap food today... feeling a lot better about life generally now that I'm not eating everything in sight. 

4 RFT:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Power Cleans (155/105#)
25 Wall-Balls (20/14#) 

Rest 10 minutes then... 

With a partner:
1000m Row (alternate every 250m)
100 Double-Unders (alternate every 25)
100 Ab-mat Sit-ups (alternate every 25)
1000m Row (alternate every 250m) 

-A = 12:40 ... MU unbroken, power cleans all singles, Wall-balls were UB ... 15/10 ... and then two sets of random reps just getting through it ... this workout was much harder for me than I thought it would be. 
-B = ~13:00 ?? Didn't get the exact time 

15 Minute ROMWOD


12/24/16 and 12/25/16

Complete rest / lots of alcohol and food.

Friday, December 23, 2016


This morning was a solid workout, got a lot of good intensity out of it. I'm still pretty beat up in my lower body, but overall went as hard as possible today.

3 Sets, not for time:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups (45#) x 5 Reps 
Rest as needed 
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 5 reps 
Rest as needed


EMOM 12: 
Power Clean and Split-Jerk x 1 rep
Build over the course of 12 sets

-205# x 4 sets, 225# x 4 sets, 245# x 2 sets, 255# x 2 sets ... didn't feel particularly great ... haven't been clean and jerking much over the last 12 weeks and my back was pretty tight from Wednesday. 

Ten sets for time of: 
40-Meter Shuttle Sprint 
2/1 Muscle-ups
4 Push-Press (115/75#)
8 Burpees-over-the-bar
4 Push-Press (115/75#) 
2/1 Muscle-ups 
Rest :60 

Not times for each set individually

-Fastest/slowest was 1:20 and 1:56 ... nothing over 2 minutes, which was good. This is a great workout that I get after this time of year, always have fun doing this. 

Six Sets (6 minute clock): 
30 Seconds of Hand-Release Push-ups
Rest :30

-17,14,14,14,13,12 ... nice finisher 


Complete Rest ... body is decently sore today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Today was a really solid workout, focused in on the lower body ... as I am very sore from yesterday. Overall got a great workout out of this and tried to push it as much as I could... definitely not as strong as I used to be, but glad I was able to atleast move some weight.

Back Squat
Rest as needed

-225#, 275#, 295#, 315#, 315#

On a Running Clock:

4 RFT:
9 Front Squats (155/115#)
18 GHD Sit-ups
36 Double-Unders

Rest until the clock reaches 20:00 and then...

AMRAP 8 Minutes:
1000m Row Buy-in
2,4,6,8 ...
Dead-lifts (315#/205#)
Bar-Facing Burpees

-9:08 ... harder than I thought it would be, really blew up my legs.
-Round of 6 + 8 Dead-lifts

3 Sets:
Single Arm Unsupported DB Row x 20 reps (10 each arm) @ 53# KB
Rest as needed
Bulgarian Split Squat x 20 reps (10 each leg) @ (2 x 35# KB)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... my legs were completely shot by the time we got to the split squats... never done those this light, but I just had zero energy by the time we got to these. Good accessory work.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Back home in Boise ... due to our flight fucking up a lot we were awake about 24 hours... still got in the gym this morning for a chill bodybuilding workout. This was probably the easiest bodybuilding workout I've done in a very long time, but it was still challenging given how tired and generally exhausted I have been from traveling and being in the field ... looking forward to doing some higher volume crossfit soon.

Bench Press
5-5-5-5-5 + 1 Max Set @ 135#
Rest as needed between sets

-185#, 195#, 205# (fail - 4 reps), 185#, 185# + 16 reps

3 Sets:
Incline DB Bench Press (2 x 50# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Flat DB Fly (2 x 30# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Lat Pull-Down (140#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
EZ Bar Preacher Curl (70#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Tricep Rope Push-Down (45#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed


Monday, December 19, 2016


Still in Virginia... heading back to Boise tonight, dropped into a local gym in Virginia and did the class workout ... was overall a very low volume and low intensity day... sucked to feel so weak on the lifting. 

Power Snatch 
20 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Single 

-185#, 205#, 215#, 220# (f), 220# (f), 205#, 205#, 205# ... up to 205# felt solid, 220# felt very heavy though... dropped it back down to 205# to just work on hitting some good reps. TBS is definitely taking a toll on my fitness and strength, it is what it is ... I am happy to at least have a barbell in my hands. 

EMOM 12 Minutes (4 sets):
Min 1 - 5 TnG Power Snatch (135/95#)
Min 2 - 30 Double-Unders + 10 Pull-ups
Min 3 - 15 Ab-mat Sit-ups 

-Complete ... very easy, felt basically like a warm-up. 


Much needed complete rest ... lots of food.


In Washington DC for the weekend ... dropped into a local gym and did the class workout. It ended up being a really solid workout ... I was really happy to workout with my fiancé and be back from the field. This workout left me very tired and really kicked my ass.

Front Rack Weighted Step-ups (24/20") x 10 reps, alternating (5 each leg)

-95#, 115#, 135#, 135#, 135# ... nothing maximal, legs still beat up from this last week.

10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
10 Power Cleans (95/65#)
Rest 1 Minute

-8 Rounds + 7 Power Cleans ... T2B and OHS unbroken, had to break up the cleans after the 4th round. Overall a really solid workout, I was surprised with how hard I was able to push it given the recent time in the field/lack of sleep/terrible food. Overall a great way to start my day, I really miss working out with my fiance.

Friday, December 16, 2016

12/11/16 to 12/16/16

Went on a field exercise here at the Marine Corps' Basic School. Basically lots of walking around under load and combat training while sleeping outside every night ... brought some regular food but it ran out by Tuesday... was all MREs after that ... experienced the most intense cold weather of my life over the last few days ... I am glad it is over and I'm looking forward to some chiller workouts coming up over the Christmas holiday. My body is pretty thrashed after carrying around a SAW 24/7 for the week.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


More land navigation... about 5 hours of walking around the woods under a light load ... was some decent activity... no actual workout today though... lots of time in the field coming up starting tomorrow ... wanted my body to be recovered as possible ... hit up a 15 minute ROMWOD later in the day... felt great.

Friday, December 9, 2016


Today was a very light workout... just feeling deflated and flat from this week's training... went in to just grab a short pump and stretch. Got a solid pump and called it a day... generally felt like shit, but it was good to at least get in the gym and get some weights in my hands.

Bench Press
Rest as needed

-185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 205#

3 Sets:
Strict Pull-ups x 12 reps
Incline DB Bench Press x 12 Reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... DB BP went 55# x 12, 60# x 12, 60# x 9

3 Sets:
Standing BB Curl (60#) x 10 reps
Standing BB Reverse Curl (60#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Overhead Extension / Skull Crusher / Close Grip Bench Press x 30 (10 of each movement)
Rest 2:00

-Across at 40# ... ended up being very challenging even with the light weight

3 Sets:
Tricep Cable Pushdowns (65#) x 12 Reps
Preacher Curl Machine x 12 reps (125#, 100#, 80#)
Rest as 1:00

-Complete ... curls really caught up with me... had to lower the weight over the course of the sets; called it there.

20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... this was great, really solid routine today, felt amazing after destroying my body this week.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Complete rest ... slept outside in the December cold last night... not really the best sleep I've ever gotten. Feet and back are generally thrashed.


9 Mile Hike Under about ~130-140# load form 0300-0600 ... carrying a machine gun on the hike was horrible. My gear wasn't really laid out correctly and it ended up really fucking me over. I've never fallen out of a hike before and I don't intend to ever allow that to happen, but this was damn close. For the first 3 miles I felt like my gear was compressing my chest and I wasn't really able to get a full breath of air. Once we took the first of two 10 minute breaks I was able to adjust my load-out and fix it ... this march was almost entirely on a paved road and I was wearing my newer pair of boots because my tried-and-true hiking boots were soaking wet from yesterday... I wrapped up my feet but they still got pretty mangled from this hike and then the follow ~24 hours of continuous weapons and tactics training. Overall a rough experience for my feet and back, but I am proud of myself for digging in and staying the course through a lot of adversity today. This hike was a kick in the balls in a big way that you can't find in the gym.


No actual workout today... did 6 hours of land navigation though... lots of walking through the woods very quickly with gear on ... was an extremely cold and rainy day.

Monday, December 5, 2016


Complete Rest / lots of walking around... did some live fire grenade / grenade launcher training today... it was pretty fun.


Complete Rest / hangover

Saturday, December 3, 2016


This morning was a really solid session... in the past I would have considered today "too easy" of a day, but for the time being it was a great workout. Really simple, but kept the intensity high. Overall a great way to spend my morning. Happy to be squatting and dead-lifting without pain.

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Front Squat x 5 reps

-225#, 225#, 245#, 245#, 255# ... felt solid, even if these are baby weights compared to what I used to do.

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Dead-lift x 5 reps

-315#, 315#, 365#, 365#, 385# ... same as above ... not heavy, but good for today.

Every 2 for 12 (6 sets):
Strict C2B Pull-ups x 6 reps


15 Minutes Stretching


5 Sets:
Row 500m
Rest 1:30

-Complete ... all intervals under 1:38 ... felt good, haven't just done straight rowing in a while ... good cardio.

20 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, December 2, 2016


This afternoon was actually a decent workout... had to change my plan quite a bit... had a lot of stuff written out, but due to space I couldn't do a lot of it. Went to the gym at about 5 PM and it was completely slammed with people. Worked around everyone and tried to get the best workout I could. Overall got a lot out of this and it was fun to just enjoy myself in the gym.

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 5 reps

-Complete @ 185# across ... not maximal, but close...getting weaker here at TBS... but was good to get some reps in on the bench. Last couple sets were tough.

EMOM 20:
Odd: 18 Calorie Row
Even: 10 Knees-to-Elbows

-Complete ... first half felt too easy, last five minutes became pretty tough. Overall some solid cardio.

3 Sets:
DB Incline Bench Press x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Bent Over BB Row x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Press = 40#s, 50#s, 60#s, 70#s ... failed on the 70s and only got 8 reps.
-Rows = 165# across

3 Sets:
Preacher Curl (60# EZ bar) x 10 reps
Rest :60
DB Alternating Curls (2 x 25# DB) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest :60

-Complete ... this was tough with the programmed rest interval... really big pump.

3 Super-Sets:
Strict Dips x 10 reps
Tricep Push-Downs (50#) x 15 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... rough finisher by the last set.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Did a PT session with the platoon today... was kind of a stupid / low volume session... but I guess some activity is better than none... would consider this more active recovery than anything. 

2 Sets of the following: 

1 Min Plank 
1 Min Leg Raises 
1 Min Rest
1 Min Bicycle Crunches 
1 Min Plank 

Rest 2 Minutes 

AMRAP, wearing a flak: 
1 Min Strict Pull-ups
1 Min Push-ups
1 Min Pull-ups
1 Min Curling the flak vest 
1 Min Pull-ups 

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP, wearing a flak: 
2 Min Lunges 
1 Min Squats 
2 Minutes of Sprinting 

Rest 2 Minutes 

-Complete ... don't really remember my reps, just got through this and tried to go as hard as possible. 

 15 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... had the time, so I hit this up, glad to get it in. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Today was some of the best PT I've gotten while here at TBS ... really great way to start the day.

.75 Mile warm-up run to hill

8 RFT:
~250m Hill Run (~125m up, 125m down)
15 Push-ups

-Didn't actually time this, but came in first place in my platoon... this was fun to beat everyone and get some quality intensity out of the hill run ... a lot of people were walking down, my goal going in to this was to move continuously without walking ... the last two hill runs really had me dragging ass, great workout overall.

.75 Mile cool-down walk/jog

One giant set:
:60 plank
'Suit-case' Sit-up x 30 reps
:60 left side plank
:60 right side plank
Sit-ups x 50 reps
:60 Plank


Monday, November 28, 2016


Did another class workout today ... very low volume overall, didn't tax my body much.

Back Squat
Rest as needed

-Went 275# across for all sets, nothing maximal, but good movement.

For time:
Ring Dips

-11:19 ... I have only done this workout strict... went kipping today and obviously moved through it faster. HSPU were terrible today... not really doing them for 10+ weeks has caught up to me. First set was 15/6... then the rest were all broken up into sets of 3. Kind of embarrassing, but got through them. Overall this is one of the toughest Crossfit workouts for me. Glad I got some movement in today.


Had a short workout today... just went and banged out the class WOD as quickly as possible as my schedule was pressed, overall I'm really frustrated with getting weaker while at TBS... it is definitely an uphill battle... but atleast I got some activity in.

Squat Snatch - 7 sets of 2 reps
Rest as needed
(Had about 20 minutes to get through this)

-165#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 205#, 215# (fail), 215# (fail) ... missed all the reps at 215# ... really frustrating to miss such a light load. 205# felt pretty smooth though.

For time:
21 Power Snatch (115/80#)
21 Burpees-over-the-bar
15 Overhead Squats (115/80#)
15 Burpees-over-the-bar
9 Squat Snatch (115/80#)
9 Burpees-over-the-bar

-6:17 ... had to break this up a bit, went 15/2/2/1/1 on the power snatches, unbroken OHS, singles for the squat snatches ... not a great performance for me, but happy to get this in, left me pretty smoked.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


In retrospect... had a great workout today, I was really bummed out by how weak I felt on the jerks... but haven't been able to jerk much at all over the last 10 weeks... overall got a good workout out of today though.

Every 3 for 12 (4 sets):
Airdyne 12/10 Calories
20 Double-Unders
30 ft Handstand Walk

-Complete ... solid warm-up ... haven't handstand walked in months.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
Build up to a heavy double over the course of 10 sets

-185# x 2, 205# x 2, 225# x 2, 245#, 255#, 265#, x 2

Seated Unsupported DB Shoulder Press
Rest as needed

-45# x 8, 55# x 7, 55# x 6

For time:
10/6 Muscle-ups
10/6 Bar Muscle-ups
20 Burpees
30 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
50 Calorie Airdyne
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
20 Burpees
10/6 Bar Muscle-ups
10/6 Muscle-ups


2 Sets:
DB Skull Crushers x 20
DB Tate Press x 20
DB Bench Press x 20
(perform as one giant set on a bench)
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold x :60
Rest as needed

-Complete with 2 x 15# DB.


Jumped into a class workout after driving back to Philly this morning... lower volume day overall, but glad to get some activity in.


-275#, 320#, 365#, 405#, 405# ... nothing maximal, only had bumper plates, so couldn't go over 405# due to lack of space on the bar. Haven't dead-lifted this heavy in a while, everything felt fine though. 

4 RFT:
16 Pistols (alternating) 
12 Box Jumps (24/20")
8 Hang Squat Snatch (95/65#) 

-7:24 ... unbroken ... solid workout on the legs, my quads were surprisingly sore after this. Short, but good. Can't remember the last time I did pistols, but they were still there when I tried them. 


Active Recovery / hangover ... went hiking for about an hour, was nice. I drank about 15 beers over the course of the day yesterday, so I felt a little hungover today.


Thanksgiving 5k. 

-20:34 (6:37 average mile pace) ... felt a little beat up from the last few days of workouts, but nothing too bad. Ran this at about 85% effort, nothing crazy. Had a good time and just enjoyed myself. 

1-ish hour of family football, got some good activity out of this. 


Did a casualty evacuation this morning ... basically just a bunch of running around in boots and a light combat load... probably around 3 miles of running while 50 people rotated through carrying two different people on litters ... also we did 67 burpees throughout the course of the morning.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Today was some okay activity... neither of the workouts really made me sweat much... but was still good to get some activity in.

Ran the Double O Course around 1300 ... got a perfect score of 2:57.

Crossfit Class at 1830

Back Squat

-275#, 325#, 335#, 335#, 335# ... easy squatting with class, nothing maximal.

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
4 Strict Pull-ups
8 Push-Press (95/65#)

Rest 4:00

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
15 KBS (72/53#)
15 Push-ups

-Don't remember my scores on these, but glad I got these workouts in ... went as hard as possible.

20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... felt amazing, really glad I got this in.

Monday, November 21, 2016


Chiller day today, not much of a formal workout, but got some activity in.

Ran through the Obstacle Course about 5 times at a pretty casual pace, with rest in between.

32 Minute Easy Run


Saturday, November 19, 2016


Went to a class workout at my fiancés gym. Some of the best regular-class programming I've ever done, I really enjoyed it. Got a solid workout in, but didn't feel thrashed afterwards. My left hamstring is feeling really tight and kind of painful... I strained it on Tuesday and it didn't feel 100% today, but still got a solid effort in today.

20 Minutes to Build to a Heavy:
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch

-95#, 125#, 135#, 155#, 165#, 185#, 195#, 205# ... was sharing a bar with a guy who was warming up with some much lighter weights than I usually use, but it was good to work speed at lower weights.

With a Partner, reps broken up however:
1000m Row
30 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
50 KBS (53/35#)

-2 Rounds + 695 meters ... pretty easy aerobic effort, nice and simple.

Rest 5 Minutes, then...

8 Sets:
10 Seconds Handstand Hold (against wall)
20 Seconds Rest

Rest 10 Minutes, then...

AMRAP 7 minutes:
*75 DU Buy-in, then:
5 Muscle-ups
10 Wall-Balls (20/14#)

-5 Rounds, unbroken

15 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, November 18, 2016


Active Rest ... no time to do an actual workout today... but did land navigation in the morning and then some time in the pool in the afternoon ... basically lots of active movement.


Complete Rest ... feeling pretty beat up ... much needed rest.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Got a surprisingly decent workout in this morning... woke up at 0440 to get in a quick workout before the day started. This was a fun variation of Linda.

'Linda' - ish
For time:
Decline Bench Press x Bodyweight (185#)
Dead-lift x 1.5 Bodyweight (275#)
Power Clean x Bodyweight (185#)

-32:50 ... solid workout, was quick and dirty with very little warm-up... but the training school I'm in grants very little free time for working out. Glad I got this in.


AM Workout (0800)

Today was a pretty solid workout as far as Marine Corps PT goes ... our platoon commander had us do 'Murph' in boots/utes, but no weight vests. The mile run course was very short ... probably closer to 3/4 mile than a full mile.

For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats 
1 Mile Run 

-29:10 ... went 20 rounds of 'Cindy' ... runs were fairly easy as they were probably closer to a 1200m instead of a full mile. 

PM workout (1830) 

Had a little extra time today, so went to a local crossfit gym and jumped in the class. I was a little more beat up than I thought I would be from this morning... but still got a decent session out of this ... really happy to get a quality ROMWOD in.

Back Squat
3 x 3
Rest as needed

-135# x 5, 225# x 5, 275# x 3, 325# x 3, 325# x 3
-This was supposed to be 5 sets of 3 ... but my hamstrings started really tightening up after the second triple at 325# ... feels pretty terrible to get my ass kicked by weights I used to use for warm-ups ... but I guess 'Murph' thrashed me this morning.

On a 12:00 Clock:

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
10 Box Jumps, step down (24/20")
10 Pull-ups

Rest 4 Minutes

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters (95/65#)

-5 Rounds + 5 Box Jumps
-3 Rounds + 3 Burpees ... got my ass kicked by a couple dudes in the class on these, but between working out less here at TBS and 'Murph' this morning, I was still happy with my effort.

20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete .... great stuff. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016


48 Minute Easy Run ... was going to go to the gym, but the power on base was out ... so the gym was closed. Ended up just running around the base in the very cold, very dark morning around 0530.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Complete Rest / Travel back to VA


Just went in and did a class WOD at a local gym here with my sister. Would have probably done a much different workout had I programmed for myself, but still got a decent workout out of this. Have been doing very long/aerobic workouts lately... wouldn't have done another one today. Overall I enjoyed going with the class to have some people to compete with and keep me focused.

3 RFT:
800m Run
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Burpees
200m Farmer's Carry (2 x 72# KB)
20 Pull-ups

-28:40 ... T2B  and Pull-ups unbroken ... burpees and run were fairly consistent. Had to break up the second and third set of farmer's carry a couple times ... definitely the toughest part of the workout. Overall happy with how I felt and getting the sets of T2B and PU unbroken, big effort there ... back to VA tomorrow.

15 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, November 11, 2016


This morning was a pretty decent workout... really big bitch of a conditioning workout. It was much harder than I thought it would be. Overall a good session, even if I haven't been enjoying the gym much at all this week.

5 Super-Sets:
Close Grip Bench Press x 6 reps
Strict Weighted Pull-ups x 6 reps
Rest as needed between sets

-135#, 155#, 165#, 165#, 170#
-45# across for the pull-ups  ... nothing maximal here, but got some solid work in.

For time:
100 Calorie Row
90 Wall-balls (20/14#)
80 Calorie Row
70 Burpees
60 Calorie Row
50 Pull-ups
40 Calorie Row
20 Calorie Row
10 Ring Muscle-ups

-38:10 ... rough ... had to break this up a lot, especially the WB ... just didn't feel that fit, but glad I was at least able to get this in.

WB = 25/15/10/10/10/10/10
Burpees = consistent slow pace
Pull-ups = 20/10/10/5/5
HSPU = 10/5/5/5/3/2
MU = 6/4

EMOM 12 (4 sets):
Min 1 - GHD Sit-ups x 12 reps
Min 2 - EZ Bar Skull Crusher (50# on bar) x 12 reps
Min 3 - Seated DB Wrist Curl (2 x 15# DB) x 15 reps


10 Minutes Couch Stretch


Thursday, November 10, 2016


This morning was an okay session. Got in the gym around 0830 after a solid night's sleep. I worked out alone and just put together something on the spot. Didn't really push the loading and I couldn't really focus during the conditioning stuff... didn't get great intensity out of it, just kind of went through the motions. Overall, at least I got in the gym.

2 Sets (10 minute clock):
On a 2:00 Clock:
100 Double-Unders
Max Reps Muscle-ups
Rest 3:00

-9 reps
-9 reps ... did 8 unbroken MU + 1 rep for each set. Both sets of DU were in about 60 seconds ... solid warm-up.

On a 25 Minute Clock:

EMOM 10:
1 Power Clean + 1 Power Jerk

Rest 5:00

EMOM 10:
1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split-Jerk

-185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 225#, 235#, 235#, 235#
-185# x 3 reps, 205# x 3 reps, 225# x 6 reps

3 RFT:
400m Run
10 Clean and Jerks (155#)
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Wall-Balls (20#)

-22:40 ... I think I had a long 400 and I had some big transitions between movements, but still got a pretty decent workout out of this.

3 Sets:
Side Lateral Raise x 12 reps (2 x 10# DB)
Rest as needed
Plank x :60
Rest as needed


10 Minutes lower body banded mobility



Complete rest ... was planning on getting something in today, but just too exhausted and tired. Ended up having a cup of coffee in the morning and then going back to sleep for two more hours.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


This morning was a solid workout, even if I felt like complete crap. Glad I got to workout with my fiance and do whatever we wanted. It was very nice to chill in the gym and just have fun.

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets):
Sotts Press x 5 reps

-Used 45# bar across

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets):
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat w/ 2 second pause in bottom

-135#, 135#, 165# ... went light, used as a warm-up

Every 3 for 18 (6 sets):
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang Power Snatch

-165#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 210#, 215# ((f) -failed the hang power snatch) ... didn't feel particularly strong, but tried to get some good reps in

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Push-Press x 3 reps

-185#, 205#, 225# (f) - 2 reps, 225# (f) - 2 reps, 225# (f) - 1 rep ... this went horribly, I felt very weak and uncommitted.

3 Sets, each for time:
50 Calorie Row
20 Overhead Squats (115/75#)
15 C2B Pull-ups
Rest 3:00

-5:01 ... all sets unbroken, this was a big effort, really dragged ass on the last row, but I am very proud of myself for getting each set unbroken, was my goal for the day.


Complete Rest ... lots of food and sleep

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Worked out in the old bodybuilding gym I used to go to back in high school. Ended up getting a pretty solid bodybuilding session in with my fiance. Was a low stress/fun time to get some activity in. My calves are biceps are sore from yesterday. 

Bench Press 
Rest as needed 

-185#, 195#, 200#, 185#, 185# ... barely got through 200# for 5, so then took it down to 185 to get in some more working sets. 

3 Super-Sets:
Max Reps Incline Bench Press (95/65#)
Max Reps Strict Pull-ups
Rest for partner's sets + 1 minute 

-20 + 12 
-17 + 10
-14 + 8 

3 Sets:
DB Bench Press x 8 reps (2 x 60#) 
Hammer Strength Row Machine (2 x 80#) 
Rest is partner's set + 1 minute 


3 Sets:
10 Leaning Back EZ Bar Curls (55/45#)
10 Regular EZ Bar Curls (55/45#)
10 Leaning Forward EZ Bar Curls (55/45#)
Rest :80 

-Complete .... rough 

Overhead Cable Extensions x 3 Drop Sets 
Rest as needed 

-Don't remember the weight used or the reps gotten, just picked a weight and went to failure and then dropped 10-15# lbs and went to failure again twice ... good stuff, very painful in the triceps. 

2 Super-Sets:
Cable Tricep Push-downs x 15 reps 
Cable Bicep Curls x 10 reps
Cable Bicep Reverse Curls x 10 reps 
Rest as needed 

-Don't remember the weights, just went for a big pump 

3 Sets:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups 
10 Tuck-ups
10 Second Hollow Rock Hold
Rest 1 minute 

-Complete ... always surprisingly brutal. 


Back in Boise ... dropped into my sister's gym for a class WOD, got a solid cardio/bodyweight workout out of this. 

AMRAP 40 Minutes:
500m Row
100 Double-Unders
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Toes-to-Bar 

-MU and T2B unbroken ... tried to keep the row between 1:50-2:00 throughout the workout. DU were kind of a shit show, the first few sets I did 75/25 or 60/40 with planned breaks. Towards the end I was missing a ton and just getting through them as best I could. Overall a great workout after being in the field and transitioning back into a crossfit gym. 

11/1/16 to 11/4/16

On the range / sleeping in the field. No structured workouts, just lost of time shooting and moving under combat load ... very little sleep and terrible food.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Only slept about 5 hours last night ... still on the range ... 2.5 mile hike in and 2.5 mile hike out today.


Back on the range ... 2.5 mile combat load hike in the AM ... 2.5 mile run under combat load back in the afternoon ... long and physical day.


Today was a solid workout ... I was really happy to be in a crossfit gym. I felt pretty solid on everything despite the low volume of training I've been doing. Did a little extra stuff and then a class workout ... was very happy to get this in.

EMOM 10:
Odd: 5 Muscle-ups
Even: 50 Double-unders

-Complete ... wanted to go 20 minutes on this... but the coach running the class started the workout earlier than he originally said he would... still happy to get some muscle-ups in.

5 Clean and Jerks (185#)
10 Toes-to-Bar
Rest :30

-11 Rounds + 2 Clean and Jerks ... solid workout, had a good time getting after this.

Friday, October 28, 2016


No time to workout today... but did a 2.5 mile movement at 0520 under a light combat load and rifle ... then ran 2.5 miles back under the same load (minus all the food/water I had throughout the day) around 1530. Was at the range shooting today and it was a great day of training. Really happy to finally be putting rounds down range. Looking forward to some time in the gym tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

10/26 & 27

'Complete Rest' ... but our company was doing weapons handling training all day on both of these days ... there was no scheduled workout today... but the days were long and exhausting and very physical.

Monday, October 24, 2016


This morning was as solid workout. I got in the gym at 0500 and out by around 0625. Had to rush through some stuff and cut out the extra stuff, but overall happy with my performance and workout overall. Great stuff, despite being here at TBS.

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60% (145#)

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets)
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70% (175#)

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch High Pull + Snatch @ 80% (195#)

-Complete ... light %s, got all the reps easily, felt solid.

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Push Press x 6 reps
Strict Pull-ups x 6 reps

-185#, 185#, 195#, 195#, 200#
-First strict pull-ups since the PFT a while back, going to put some of them back into my training from time-to-time.

Four rounds for time of:
10 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
10 Kettle-Bells Swings (72#)
10 Toes to Bar

Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .

Three rounds of:
10 Power Cleans (195/135 lbs)
20 Strict Stationary Dips

Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .

Two rounds for time of:
10 Front Squats (145/105 lbs)
30 Push-Ups

-4:00 ... these time are approximates, don't remember the exact times. I did get a solid workout out of this.


Further Complete Rest ... got a lot of activity in today ... ran a 'bayonet assault course' and had a full day of martial arts training ... from 0700 to 1800 ... so definitely wasn't a day without activity despite the lack of organized exercise.


Complete Rest


This morning was a great workout... dropped into a gym in Alexandria, VA with my fiance and did the class workout. It was a Hero WOD and we both PRed our times. Kind of a weird/uninviting gym, but got a solid workout in.

30 RFT:
5 Wall-balls (20/14#)
1 Power Clean (225/145#)

-23:01 ... this is huge PR for me, I've never gone under 30 minutes before. I got all the HSPU unbroken and strict today. I typically have to break these up/go to singles ... so  losing weight and maybe doing some more direct tricep work has helped my HSPU. I haven't been training them much at all, so it is probably the weight loss. I was also on a squishy gymnastics mat that kind of sunk in a tiny bit, so maybe it lowered my ROM by an inch or so?? I don't know, but I will take a PR on this either way. Holleyman is one of my favorite hero WODs around.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Had a solid, albeit simple, workout this morning. Had a little later formation (0645) so I figured I'd get a workout in beforehand when the gym opened at 0500. Short time frame, only about 60 minutes, but got in what I could.

Bench Press
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets

-sets of 5 = 185#, 195#, 200#
-sets of 3 = 205#, 210#, 185# ... 210# for the heaviest triple is okay for the day ... didn't have a spotter so didn't push the loading too much.

3 RFT:
21 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)
21 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
21 Toes-to-Bar

-14:00 ... had a big transition between the barbell and the pull-up bar ... lost a lot of time there, but overall still got a solid workout out of this. Could have gone a little faster had I been working out with someone else... doing crossfit alone blows.

3 Super-sets:
Bent-over Barbell Row (135#) x 10 reps
Standing EZ Bar Bicep Curl (30#) x 15 reps
Rest :60


3 Drop-sets:
Tricep Push-Down x 30 reps (10 @ 50#, 10 @ 30#, 10 @ 20#)
Rest :90

-Complete ... big pump


Ran through the obstacle course and the endurance course as a platoon today. I was happy with the obstacle course, I was a little nervous about it given that I hadn't done it in over 3 years ... muscle memory kicked in and I got through it easily within the time limit. Looking forward to getting better at the O course over the coming months.

The TBS endurance course is, in my opinion, a bit of a let down after the e course at OCS ... there are less obstacles on this one and the obstacles on this course are much easier than the OCS obstacles. Overall it is a bit of a break-off though... 5 miles on hills and uneven terrain under load and in the humidity takes a bit of effort.  Overall really fun way to spend the morning. 


Group PT ... 'combat conditioning' ... it was basically bodyweight and buddy exercises for about 60 minutes, including low crawling and bear crawling around in boots and utes ... ended up being a good sweat, nothing taxing though.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


AM Workout (0620) 

3 Mile Hike ... ~70# of gear? Didn't get the exact weight on the weight of the ruck. On the first 1.5 miles of the hike I was at the front of the platoon... it was a fast but manageable pace. There was a large hill that dropped a ton of people. At no point was I anywhere near my limit. It was good to see where I stack up against everyone and know that I was one of the better people. Really solid morning, I forgot how much I enjoy rucking.

PM Workout (1845) 

Kept the evening workout really easy/light on the loading. It was good to get some good movement in. A few months ago I would have considered this training a waste of time... but given my situation in this training school, this is exactly the type of workout I need to just clear my head and get some movement in.

Back Squat
5 sets of 3
Rest :90 between sets

-315# Across

Hang Power Clean
EMOM 7 Minute = 7 sets of 2 Reps @ 75% Of 1 RM
Rest as needed

75% = 225# across

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
4 Strict Pull-ups
8 Push-Press (95/65#)

Rest 4 Minutes

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
15 Kettle-Bell Swings (53/35#)
15 Push-ups

Rest 4 Minutes

AMRAP 4 Minutes:
Calorie Row

-7 Rounds + 4 Strict Pull-ups
-4 Rounds
-83 Calories

Monday, October 17, 2016


I would consider today more of an 'active recovery' day ... did the Marine Corps PFT in the morning.

-880m Run + 30# Ammo Can Lifts + 'Movement Under Fire' Drill ... didn't really tax the body too much ... went about 85% effort on all of this ... definitely sore from yesterday. Looking forward to getting in some more lifting and crossfit this week.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


This morning was a solid workout, I got to workout with my fiance at her local crossfit gym in New Jersey. I really enjoyed being able to program a workout for myself and just relax in the gym... transitioning to TBS has been rough for my workouts.

10 Sets of:
2 Unbroken Muscle-ups
Rest is partner's set

-Didn't time this, but went through it at a pretty consistent pace... don't have rings on base, so wanted to get some good reps in as I haven't hit muscle-ups in a couple weeks.

Every 3 for 24 (8 sets):
3-Position Snatch
(high-hang, mid-thigh, floor)

-155#, 175#, 195#, 205#, 205#, 205#, 205#, 210# ... missed one of the snatches from the floor at 205# ... other than that got all the reps.

On a 30:00 Clock:

For time:
42 Assault Bike Calories
21 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
30 Assault Bike Calories
15 Clean and Jerks (185/125#)
18 Assault Bike Calories
9 Clean and Jerks (225/145#)

Rest until the clock reaches 27:00, then...

Ring Dips

-17:18 ... took much longer than I thought it would.
-55 Ring Dips

3 Rounds:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-Ups
10 Tuck Ups
10 Second Hollow Rock Hold
1 Minute Rest

-Complete ... surprisingly very challenging.

3 Sets:
10 KB Curls (leaning back)
10 KB Curls (regular)
10 KB Curls (leaning forward)
Rest is partner's set

-Complete @ 35# KB ... nice pump


Active Recovery

~40 minute easy run along  the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia ... I was surprised with how beat up from yesterday I was ... legs were feeling it and I didn't feel particularly fast today. It was good to get some activity in though.

Friday, October 14, 2016


Marine Corps PFT

-20 Pull-ups ... got 1 no rep, so actually did 21.

-100 Crunches in 2 minutes

-18:40 3 Mile Run

-296 of 300 points ... little slow on the run, couldn't get that sub-18, but overall I am very happy with my performance. 296 is a solid day for me. Glad this is over and it went well.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


AM Workout (0700) 

This morning was a decent session ... didn't push loading or program anything challenging. This is my last session of Crossfit before the PFT on Friday. Overall felt a little beat up ... tomorrow's rest will be solid.

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Push-Press x 8 reps

-Complete at 185# across ... haven't done this movement/rep scheme in a while, was a bit challenging on those last coupe sets.

EMOM 15:
Min 1 - 10 Decline Bench Press (135#)
Min 2 - 10 Toes-to-Bar
Min 3 - 10 Bodyweight Rows (on a barbell, low on a squat rack, feet on a 16" box)

-Complete ... this barely got my HR up at all, but was some good activity.

3 Sets:
1000m Row @ 80-85% effort
Rest 2:00

-3:42, 3:42, 3:36 ... didn't feel great on these, barely rested about 3 minutes between part B and C ... glad I got this in though, was good to get some aerobic activity in.

PM Workout (1100) 

40 Minute Easy Run

-Complete ... ended up being 38:50 because we ran a bit faster on the way back. Picked up the pace a little toward the very end. Last session before the PFT on Friday.


Had some down time this afternoon, so snuck a pretty decent session in over lunch. Have a PFT on Friday, so didn't want to do too much volume. Got a solid workout in, focused mostly on pulling/arms, came up with it on the spot. Overall I feel ready and excited for Friday.

Strict Pull-ups
5 Max Weighted Sets (25#)
Rest :60

-14,7,6,6,7 ... felt solid

EMOM 20:
Power Clean x 1 rep
Build over the course of 20 sets

-3 sets @ 225#
-7 sets @ 245#
-10 sets @ 265# ... last 10 sets at 265# were definitely challenging, no misses. Didn't feel particularly strong, but got all the work in.

Two Sets, each for time:
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 KBS (53/35#)
20 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
Rest 4:00

-3:30, 3:45 ... both sets unbroken, but took some time to get chalk between the KBS and PU on the second set. Despite being so short, got some good intensity out of this. Lungs felt great.

3 Super-Sets:
Cable Reverse Curls x 10 reps
Cable Curls x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Used 35#, then 42.5# for two sets ... solid pump/finisher

Monday, October 10, 2016


AM Workout (1145) 

Snatch - 6 sets of 1 rep @ 85% (205#)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... power snatched these as I didn't have lifting shoes ... felt kind of weak ... not eating/sleeping/general Marine Corps stress might be catching up to me a bit.

3 RFT:
15 Over-the-Bar Burpees
9 Squat Snatches (115/80#)

-11:18 ... Felt really solid here ... snatches were 6/2/1 ... 5/2/2 ... 6/3 ... burned the legs.

'Death by Strict Weighted Pull-ups' (35#)

-7 + 7 reps ... failed on that 8th rep... felt solid overall though.

PM Workout (1445) 

3 Mile Run

-20:20 ... ran the PFT course here at TBS ... ran with a group of guys for 18 minutes and then opened it up on the last stretch and pushed the pace. A casual 20:20 was nice... hopefully running closer to 19-ish on Friday for my actual PFT.

Strict Pull-ups
7 x 7
Rest :60

-Complete ... felt very solid.

Marine Corps PFT Style Sit-ups
Max Reps in 2:00

-115 reps ... just went for the perfect score under the new standards for 2017... those extra 15 reps were kind of a bitch.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Complete Rest... spent the day with my fiance and had the most relaxing day in a very long time. After a week at TBS, there is nothing more I wanted to do than spend a day with her. Today was amazing.

Friday, October 7, 2016


Dropped into a local crossfit gym out here in Virginia. Was a short, but intense workout. Got some solid mobility in afterward, which was good since I haven't been able do much of that at TBS. 

For time:
12 Power Snatch (115#)
500m Row
6 Strict HSPU
9 Ring Dips 
12 Toes-to-Bar
6 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#) 
30 Double-Unders 
15 Calorie Row 
20 Ab Mat Sit-ups
20 Walking Lunges
15 Thrusters (115#)
15 C2B Pull-ups

-8:12 ... getting that last set of C2B Pull-ups unbroken was a big effort, solid way to end the workout. 

20 Minutes Mobility


Thursday, October 6, 2016


AM Workout (1100)

Caught a quick workout over lunch. I was stoked to get all my stuff done and have some time, even if  only shortly, to workout and get some activity in. Didn't feel particularly great, but went as hard as possible. 

In 15 Minutes Build up to a 'Heavy' Back Squat Triple 

-Went 135# x 10, 225# x 8, 295# x3, 315# x3x3 ... 315# for the day was good, in a bodybuilding gym where I could see myself and my knees. Buckled in a tiny bit at 315#, so I stayed there and just focused on perfect reps instead of increasing the load ... after the third set of this I was feeling it, definitely not as strong in my legs as I used to be, but atleast I'm squatting. 

EMOM 20 (10 sets):
Odd: 5 Strict Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats 
Even: 5 Snatches (165#) 

-Complete ... missed one minute at 16 on the snatches... took a minute off and resumed the next minute, so I ended up finishing into the 21st minute. Got a great workout out of this, solid conditioning. 

PM Workout (1700) 

Got out the door and hit a 43 minute easy aerobic run. I felt great the entire time, good stuff, lots of trails and small rolling hills. 

Death By Strict Pull-ups

-Got through set of 10, called it there 

Strict Stationary Dips 
Rest is partner's set 

-Got through this quickly, good finisher 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


This morning was a pretty decent workout ... I have basically been pressed for time and haven't had a second to myself for three days. Finally had a morning free and it was great to get some time in the gym, even if I was working out alone. 

Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% (95#)
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% (115#)
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70% (135#)
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85% (155#) 
* Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85% (155#) 
* Set 6 – 3 reps @ 85% (155#) 
* Set 7 – 3 reps @ 85% (155#) 
* Set 8 – 10 reps @ 70% (135#) 
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

-Complete ... haven't been pressing much lately, but overall felt solid. Didn't really warm-up properly, set of 10 at 135# felt easier than the set of 5 at 135#. Was warm by the end of this though. 

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (9 sets):
*Sets 1-3 – Power Clean to a “Heavy” Triple
*Sets 4-6 – Power Clean to a “Heavy” Double
*Sets 7-9 – Power Clean to a “Heavy” Single
Don’t stray from the number of sets – “Heavy” doesn’t mean max effort, just a challenging set for today.

-Triples = 205#, 225#, 245# 
-Doubles = 265#, 265#, 275# 
-Singles = 275#, 285#, 295# (f) ... was feeling pretty good on these, but I was crammed into a tiny little space that was challenging to lift within ... very crammed for space, but 285# is solid for the day. 

5 RFT:
15 Wall-balls (20#)
10 Toes-to-Bar
5 Power Cleans (145#) 

-Unbroken 6:58-ish? I don't remember my time exactly, just went unbroken and as hard as possible... had some big transitions, but was good to get some crossfit in. 

Three super-sets of:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers x 10 reps (2 x 30# DB) 
Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 1 minute 

-PU ended up being 10/10/7... rest period caught up with me. 


Easy aerobic day today ... ran about 4ish miles in boots/utes on trails/hills as a platoon. The pace was slow for me, but some people struggled through it. Glad I came prepared for this school. Did one 25 foot rope climb at the end of the run. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Have basically been sitting around on my ass for two days doing administrative stuff... haven't been eating much at all... been a rough couple days so far, but I hit some pull-ups this afternoon. Hopefully once all this admin shit is done I will have more time to do some actual workouts. Caught a few free minutes and did:

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Strict Pull-ups (fat bar) x max reps 



Complete Rest ... checking into Marine Corps TBS

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Had a pretty decent workout today... was lower on the volume overall. Yesterday left me pretty sore, but once I got warmed up I felt good on everything. Snatching on the minute was fun, went by quickly and built up to a solid snatch + OHS of 225# for the day.

EMOM 20:
1 Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat w/ 2 second pause in bottom

-135# x 3 sets, 165# x 3 sets, 185# x 3 sets, 195# x 3 sets, 205# x 3 sets, 215# x 3 sets, 220# x 1, 225# x 1

For time:
Wall-Balls (20/14#)

Rest 10:00

For time:
GHD Hip Extensions
Wall-Balls (20/14#)

-6:50 ... had a really crappy medicine ball that was lopsided and difficult to catch and throw. Other than that, was some fun/different conditioning with the hip extensions in there. Felt good on everything.

Friday, September 30, 2016


This morning was a solid workout with my fiancé. I was tired when I woke up and honestly did not want to train hard today. Once I got rolling and warmed up I felt pretty good though. We are back home working out at my local gym in Idaho. Went in and just threw some stuff together, ended up being a great workout.

Strict Pull-ups
1,2,3, (:10 rest, :20, :30 etc)

-12 Rounds ... called it there due to time constraints ... overall felt very solid.

'Hulk Hogan'
Every 2 for 20 minutes (10 sets):
3 Muscle-ups
5 Power Cleans (185/135#)
7 Burpees

-This was a great workout, got all the rounds unbroken, fastest slowest rounds were :48 and 1:09. Very good conditioning.

Rest about 10-15 minutes then...

AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
1,2,3... Dead-lift (315/205#)

-Finished the round of 7 Dead-lifts + 1 round of Cindy ... deads were slow, did all singles, but at least I'm pulling off the floor.

Rest 5 minutes, then...

3 Rounds:
5 Push-ups
5 Dive Bomber Push-ups
5 Tempo Push-ups (5 seconds down)
5 Push-ups from Knees
Rest 2:00

-Complete ... this was tough progression, was a good finisher.

15 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... today was actually the best I've felt on the 'Saddle' stretch ... finally making some progression on this stretch.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Today was a much chiller day in the gym. Went and worked out with my sister at her gym and did the class workout. Very low key... didn't count my reps or anything, just got some strict pull-ups in and then got some movement in with the class.

Strict Pull-ups
6 sets of 10 reps (first 3 sets overhand, then 3 sets underhand)
Rest :60

-Complete ... got 5 sets unbroken, then last set was 7/3

5 Rounds (20 minutes), for max reps:
Minute 1 - Max Cals Assault Bike
Minute 2 - Sumo-Dead-lift High Pull (95/65#)
Minute 3 - Box Jump, step-down (24/20")
Minute 4 - Rest

-Complete ... just got through this and went at a consistent pace with about 80% effort. Easy day, glad I got some movement in though.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Have a lot of negative stuff going on in my life... brought a lot of that in the gym with me this morning. I tried to get as good of a workout as I could. Strict Pull-ups were solid, metcon was quite the ass kicker.

Death by Strict Weighted Pull-ups (53#)

-Round of 7 + 4 reps into the set of 8

Five sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat (power clean and jerked from floor) x 3 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
(goal is to set your hands in your jerk-grip position or even narrower, slowly descend and hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds – the priority should be on mobility and movement mechanics, not load used)

-135#, 135#, 165#, 185#, 205# ... went through this quickly, didn't push the loading at all.

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
2 Power Jerks + 2 Split Jerks
(pause for 2 seconds in receiving of both split jerks)

-135#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#, 245# ... didn't push the loading here either, just got through it quickly.

Three rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Toes-to-Bar
15/10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Rest until the 20 minute mark, and then. . .

Three rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories of Rowing
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15/10 Strict Ring Dips

-16:20 ... HSPU took a while


45 Minute hill run ... lots of rolling hills in one of my favorite places in the world, Burney Falls State Park in northern California. Never run up here this time of year... it was cold and quiet and a bit lonely. Only saw a couple people my entire time up there. In the summer months there are usually a lot of people around and it feels a lot friendlier. Glad I got this run in... don't know when I'll be seeing this part of the country again... had to take to the opportunity to get this run in.


Complete Rest

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Active Recovery

39:15 super easy run from Cardiff to Encinitas and back. Went out 20 minutes and came back a little hot. Really picked it up the last 5 minutes, which was mostly uphill. Felt fit and light on my feet. Looking forward to a few more runs this week.

Saturday, September 24, 2016


This morning was a really great workout. I was really sore throughout my entire body from Thursday and Friday... but once I got warmed up and rolling I felt pretty solid on everything... not great, but I got through everything and was proud of my effort. Stoked to be able to dead-lift 315# for reps again without pain. Was training with other dudes and they lowered the loads on the barbell stuff, but pushed me through it as we were going around the same pace. Solid day in the gym; overall feeling fit and looking forward to hitting the ground running at TBS come October 03.

EMOM 16 (4 sets):
Min 1 - 6 Strict Weighted Pull-ups (44#)
Min 2 - 6 SHSPU
Min 3 - 6 Muscle-ups
Min 4 - 6 SHSPU

-This ended up being 6/6, 6/6, 5/5, 5/4 for HSPU.... everything else unbroken. Solid warm-up.

On a running clock:

For time:
1000m Row
20 Burpees-over-rower
20 Dead-lifts (315#)

at 10:00...

For time:
400m Run
10 Snatch (165#)
400m Run
10 Overhead Squats (165#)

at 20:00...

For time:
100 Double-Unders
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)

-3:58 ... rough... but great conditioning.

EMOM 12 (4 sets):
Min 1 - GHD Sit-ups x 12
Min 2 - Hex DB Hold x :35 seconds (2 x 25# DB)
Min 3 - DB Wrist Curls x 15 reps (2 x 25# DB)


30 Minute ROMWOD / Stretching

-Complete ... felt amazing... really glad I got this in.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Didn't really sleep enough last night... only about 6 hours... was tired when I got out of bed and wasn't really looking forward to the gym. Once I got in the gym, it was alright. Didn't have the best workout... gym was super packed so I didn't get to do exactly what I wanted to. But got a decent pump in my arms, nothing crazy, but glad I at least got it in.

Bench Press
135# x 10
185# x 5
205# x 3
225# x 1
Rest as long as it takes to change the weights or up to :60 between these sets

Rest 2:00 then...

135# x max reps

-23 reps ... didn't have a spotter, so didn't go to absolute failure, but this was still tough.

3 Sets:
Incline DB Press x 10 reps
Hammer Strength Row Machine x 10 reps
Rest :60

-50s, 60s, 70s
-180#, 270#, 270#

3 sets:
Close Grip Barbell EZ Bar Curls x 15 reps
Overhead Rope Extensions x 15 reps
Rest :60

-Can't remember the weights, did a huge drop set on the last set of extensions... was the toughest part of today

3 Sets:
Cable Cross-Overs x 15 reps
Reverse Cable Curls x 10 reps
Cable Curls x 10 reps

-Can't remember the weights, did a huge drop set on the last set of reverse curls and curls ... solid effort.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was, in retrospect, a very good workout. I was happy driving to Camp Pendleton this morning when I realized this was going to be my last workout alone in this shitty out door crossfit gym. Also, as the weather gets colder in the morning, less people are working out in the outdoor gym, which is a really nice change. I'd rather workout in an empty space than be surrounded by stupid idiots doing dumb shit. I can't believe some of the shit I saw this gym... literally the worst things I've ever seen in a gym. Anyway, once I got rolling I felt pretty good; the complete rest and nap yesterday really helped.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
1 Push-Jerk + 2 Split Jerks*
*Pause two seconds in receiving position of both split jerks

-135#, 135#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 245#, 255#, 265# ... solid effort here, last three sets took a good amount of focus. Was lifting on shitty slanted floor and jerking out of a rack... all reps were TnG.

Take 10 Minutes to Build to Today's 2 RM Jerk-Grip Overhead Squat (clean and jerked from floor)

-Built up to 225# for a double, felt extremely easy, went to 245# next and only got 1 rep, got sloppy and dropped the second rep out front. Should have gotten that rep, but due to time constraints just called it there and moved on.

5 RFT:
8 C2B Pull-ups
4 Dead-lifts (275#)
10 DB Thrusters (2 x 40#)
15 Calorie Row

Rest 5:00

5 RFT:
10 BBJO (24")
15 Wall-Balls (30#)
20 Double-Unders
8 Toes-to-Bar

-14:10 ... both of these were tough workouts... coupled together they were a real ass kicker. Got a great workout out of these conditioning workouts ... both were Invictus workouts, had to change the first part a little due to equipment issues, still got a great workout.

PM Workout (1730) 

I was pretty tired by the time I got to gym ... jumped in the class and got decently warmed up and felt pretty solid on the conditioning ... my shoulders were totally fried for the lifting, tried to go as hard as I could, but didn't have anything in my shoulders. Legless RCs felt really solid though.

Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Strict Press
5 x 5

-95#, 95#, 115#, 115#, 115# ... not much there after this morning

5 RFT:
3 Legless Rope Climbs (15')
400m Run



Complete rest ... slept in and took a two hour nap today. Body is feeling beat up, haven't taken a full day off in a while.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


This morning was a pretty good workout ... happy with how my strict pull-ups are coming along. Lighter weight today, nothing too taxing, but some decent intensity. Definitely was not an ideal environment to push myself ... no music, no one to train with and surrounded by stupid retards just standing around doing dumb shit that wouldn't suffice as a proper warm-up for an athlete. But regardless... only a few more days left at Camp Pendleton, trying to enjoy the freedom I'm allotted while here... even if it means working out alone in a shit gym.

5 Sets:
Strict Pull-ups x max reps
Rest :90


3 RFT:
10 Front Squat (135#)
15 Toes-to-Bar
15 KBS (2 pood)

Rest 5:00

For time:
150 Double-Unders
75 Push-Press (75#)

Rest 5:00

3 RFT:
30 Calorie Row
30 GHD Sit-ups


Monday, September 19, 2016


Did different stuff than I had planned today, but got some decent workouts in. I was wanting to only do one session and bang that out in the morning. Ended up needing to sleep in a little more, but got some good running in today.

AM Workout (1100) 

Six Sets:
Run 400m (on a track)
Rest 2:00

-81, 76, 79, 77, 80, 71 ... was kind of all over on these splits, really went hard on that last one. My hamstrings were tight from yesterday, so it was tough to warm up and really find a groove on these. Glad I got them in though.

PM Workout (1630) 

400m TT (on gym's course in a parking lot)

-:60 ... I think this course was obviously a little short, but went hard and beat everyone in the class.

3 Sets:
Single Arm KB Push-Press x 8 reps - left arm
Single Arm KB Push-Press x 8 reps - right arm
Rest as needed

-53#, 72#, 72# ... fun/different, haven't ever done these single-arm, was a nice change.

On a running clock:

For time:
C2B Pull-ups
Box Jumps (30")**must step-down

at 5:00...

For time:
Box Jumps (24")**must step-down

-3:08 ... went all out on these, only so fast you can go with stepping off the box. Much different than I would usually train. Fun/different and lower in overall volume. Still got a decent workout out of this though.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


50 Minute Recovery Run ... 25 minutes out and back along the coast around 0730. Started where I live in Cardiff and ran down to the coast and then north up to Encinitas. Caught a decent amount of elevation change (for being so close to the beach) and got a very good run out of this. Felt light on my feet and great aerobically. Looking forward to some crossfit tomorrow AM.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Worked out with a buddy from Chicago at his new gym in LA. Got a pretty decent workout out of today, pretty low volume / light overall, but fun.

'2016 Team Series Events 3 and 4'
With a partner, one person working at a time:
5 Minutes - Max Calories Row
5 Minutes - Max Reps Push-Press (115#)

Rest 5:00

10 Minutes to Establish 1 RM Hang Power Clean

-Got 132 calories on the rower
-Got 175? I think on the push-press
-Went 225#, 255#, 275#, 295#, 305# (f) ... I should have had 305#, I barely missed it, kind of frustrating, but 295# is still a solid hang power clean for me.

Teams of 2, relay style:
Thrusters (95#)
40 Double-Unders
200m Row

-Didn't get the time, just went for intensity.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Had some great workouts today. Fun bodybuilding session in the morning and some decent aerobic crossfit in the evening. Felt great pretty much everywhere today, looking forward to heading up to LA tomorrow and hitting a workout with my buddy.

AM Workout (0600) 

EMOM 18 (9 sets):
Odd: Strict Pulls ups x 8 (3 sets at regular grip, 3 sets underhand, 3 sets wide grip)
Even: Strict Dips x 8


3 Sets:
DB Incline Bench Press x 10 reps (2 x 65# DB)
Hammer Strength Row Machine x 10 reps (180#)
Rest :90


3 Sets:
DB Flat Bench Press x 10 reps (2 x 65# DB)
Cable Row Machine x 10 reps (170#)
Rest :90


3 Sets:
Leaning Back EZ Barbell Curls (40#) x 10 reps 
Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions x 20 reps (increasing weight each set, up to 60#ish) 
Rest as needed 

One giant set, descending weights: 
Cable Reverse Curl x max reps @ 80#, 60#, 40#, 20# 
Cable Curl x max reps @ 80#, 60#, 40#, 20# 

-Complete ... huge pump / bicep /forearm finisher, fun way to end the session. 

PM Workout (1630)

10 RFT:
200m Run
2 Snatch (185#) 
3 Box Jumps (30") 
4 Ring Muscle-ups 

-22:50 ... solid workout, was consistent on everything, singles for snatches and BJ / MU unbroken. 

25 Minute ROMWOD


Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Quick and dirty session this morning... was very pressed for time, but got a decent workout in.

EMOM 30:
10 Minutes = Strict Press x 1 rep
10 Minutes = Push-Jerk x 1 rep
10 Minutes = Split-Jerk x 1 rep

-Strict Press = 190#
-Push-Jerk = 255#
-Split-Jerk = 265# ... failed a split jerk at 265# before coming back and getting it. Wasn't using jerk blocks this morning, having to re-rack this every time sucked. Also, the ground I was on was extremely unlevel and slanted forward, making it nearly impossible to dip into the jerk with heavy  weights. Wanted to go a little heavier here, but shoulders were just done by the end of this and not having blocks made it really hard. When I did this last year (almost exactly 12 months ago) I had blocks and hit:

Strict Press = 185#
Push-Jerk = 250#
Split Jerk = 270# ... so I improved slightly on the first two lifts... but given I didn't have blocks I will take the numbers I hit today as a win. 190# is 5# off my all time strict press PR... so to hit that on the minute is solid.

For time:
10 Strict Ring Dips
20 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead (53/35#)
30 Kettle-Bell Swings (53/35#)
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
50 Calorie Row
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 Kettle-Bell Swings (53/35#)
20 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead (53/35# )
10 Strict Ring Dips

-14:40 ... pretty decent workout on the shoulders, they were fried by the end of this. KB shoulder-to-overhead always sucks.


Wasn't really planning on training today, but got in the gym in the afternoon and had a surprisingly solid workout. This was a very lower-body dominant workout and it was some solid movement for me "coming off" this seemingly permanent injury.

5 Sets:
Tempo Back Squat (1-6-1 tempo) x 3 reps 
Rest :60-90 seconds

-Used 185# across ... was planning on just starting at 185# and moving up as necessary... but 185# for 6 seconds in the hole was tough enough. I was really just trying to find perfect positions and not allow my butt to wink at all. The coach of the class was having us all do the tempo reps at the same pace and time. Having the coach count out of the tempo kept me much more accountable to the tempo... surprisingly tough. 

3 RFT:
400m Run
20 Front Rack Stationary Reverse Lunges (95/65#)
15 Front Squats (95/65#)
10 Bar-Facing-Burpees

-12:35 ... fun/short workout, went unbroken the entire time. Big leg pump and great cardio. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This morning was a pretty decent workout ... kind of just made it up on the spot, I was happy to do something different. Again, took a lot of stress off me and just allowed me to enjoy my time in the gym.

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 HR Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

-16:35 ... Big PR here (splits were 4:20 for pull-ups, 10:30 for push-ups, 13:00ish for sit-ups, 16:35 squats)

On 9/28/12 (basically 4 years ago), my time was 18:06 without HR push-ups.
On 8/29/13 (3 years ago), my time was 21:00 with HR push-ups ... this was right after OCS so my body was pretty thoroughly destroyed and I was generally out of shape after OCS.

So to improve over the years, despite injury, is a good feeling.

3 Rounds:
Farmer's Carry (2 x 2 pood) x length of perimeter of gym
Decline Weighted Sit-ups (45#) x 10 reps
Rest :60


20 Minutes Yoga


Monday, September 12, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a pretty solid workout... I drank a bit on Saturday and felt kind of crappy yesterday... going to lay off the alcohol for a while, get too much regret from being hungover and wasting time/feeling less fit. Despite drinking, overall I felt pretty decent on everything this morning. Cut the workout a little short, didn't do any lifting before the conditioning stuff, it was a nice change.

4 RFT:
15 Calorie Row
15 Bench Press (135/95#)

Rest 5:00

For Time:
15 Squat Clean (155/105#)
12 Thrusters (155/105#)
9 Clean and Jerk (155/105#)

Rest 5:00

AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Burpees
2 Hang Power Clean (205/145#)

-7:58 ... bench went UB ... UB ... 8/7 ... 5/5/3/2
-5:01 ... 15 squat cleans were the worst part, was pretty smooth after that
-12 Rounds

3 Super-Sets:
Weighted Strict Pull-ups (35#) x Max Reps
Strict Dips x 1/2 PR + 2 reps = 12 reps
Rest :90

-12,7,7 for the PU, dips were consistent and easy.

PM Workout (1630) 

Wasn't planning on it, but ended up doing the class workout. It was a Hero workout that I've wanted to do for a long time. Got a lot out of this workout, I felt very fit and confident with everything, didn't really slow down at all.

For time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs (15')
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees

-26:50 ... 2:40 'Grace' all as singles ... basically 6:30 and 7:10 miles ... 100 burpees took just under 7 minutes. Surprised with how solid the burpees felt. Overall a big effort on this, great workout.

20 Minutes Mobility



Complete Rest ... I was decently hungover until the afternoon... not a great feeling.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


This morning was a good time ... this was the most fit I've felt in the gym in a while. I really enjoyed my time in the gym this morning and got a lot of solid intensity out of this session. It was nice to not touch a barbell and was probably some much needed rest for my body.

15 Minutes Handstand Walking Practice

-Worked on wall-walks, freestanding holds, walking forwards and backwards ... solid warm-up.

4 RFT:
30 Calorie Row
20 Burpees-over-the-Erg
10 Bar Muscle-ups

-19:58 ... first round in 4:04 ... tried to maintain that pace, but fell off pretty hard on the rowing/burpees. Each set of bar MU was 6/4, felt very solid and consistent on them. Great workout.

Rest 10 minutes then...

'Death by Strict Weighted Pull-ups (35#)'

-Finished the 7th set, didn't even attempt 8. Solid effort to get through 7 though.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Every 3 for 21 (7 sets):
Hill Sprint (unknown distance)

-Each interval took about 30-35 seconds, I have no idea what the distance was, just went for intensity and speed ... really tough grade of incline, fun workout.

3 Sets:
GHD Sit-ups x 20 unbroken reps
Rest as needed


Friday, September 9, 2016


AM Workout (0545) 

This morning was surprisingly the best workout I've had in a while. I really enjoyed my time in the gym this morning. It was really fun to do something different and just have fun and not worry about my performance at all.

Strict Pull-ups
Regular Grip x 3 sets of 8 reps
Underhand Grip x 3 sets of 8 reps
Wide Grip x 3 sets of 8 reps (fail - 7,6,6)
Rest :60 between each set

-Complete ... this was pretty solid, started missing reps toward the end, but got a lot out of this.

Bench Press
Rest less than 2 minutes between each set:

Build up to 90% (225#) for 3 singles


3 x 3 @ 80% of today's singles +10# = 195#


3 x 7 @ 70% of today's singles + 10# = 155#


Seated Unsupported DB Press
3 x 10 @ (2 x 45# DB)
Rest :90 between each set

-Ended up being 10, 9, 8 ... was pretty smoked from the benching

4 Sets:
Strict Dips x 11 reps
EZ Bar Curls, leaning back (40# Bar) x 10 reps
EZ Bar Curls (40# Bar) x 10 reps
EZ Bar Culs, leaning forward (40# Bar) x 10 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... this was quite the burner on the biceps ... huge pump, especially on the 3rd and 4th sets

3 Sets:
Seated Row Machine (added 90# to each side = 180#)
Tricep Rope Push-Downs x 15 reps
Tricep Rope Overhead Extensions x 15 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... don't remember the exact weights for the extensions, just went for a pump

1 Set:
50 Unbroken Cable Cross Overs @ (20# on each side)

-Complete ... this was a solid finisher, just tried to keep my arms as straight as possible and get as much a pump as possible. Great way to end the session.

PM Workout (1630) 

Got into the gym for the class workout in the afternoon. Ended up feeling really good and having a great time in the gym. It really made me think about how much I enjoy working out with other people and competing. Much better than beating myself up in the morning alone.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
Sets 1-3 = Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull + 3 Hang Power Snatch (135#)
Sets 4-6 = Snatch High Pull + 2 Hang Power Snatch (185#)
Sets 7-8 = 2 Power Snatch (205#)
Sets 9-10 = 1 Power Snatch (215/225#)

-Just went off of feel for all of these ... everything felt solid throughout, solid to hit 225# power snatch on the two minute as part of a second workout. Good time in the gym.

For time:
10 Rounds of:
3 Power Snatch (135/95#)
20 Double-Unders

straight into...

400m Run

-7:43 (finished last set of DU at 5:50) ... fun/short metcon, solid finisher to the day.


Complete Rest ... definitely needed it ... slept almost 11 hours last night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


This morning was the worst time I've had in the gym in months (perhaps over a year? / since studying for the bar exam) ... Today was the least motivated I've been in the gym since I can remember. I was tired, felt like shit and just didn't want to be there. I have a ton of stress in my life right now and it is just making everything, the gym included, unenjoyable. Coupled with the fact I'm working out by myself in shitty Marine Corps gyms, just makes for the worst time. I can't wait until this chapter of my life is over.

Pyramid Weighted Strict Pull-ups (20#) (10 seconds = 1 rep / 20 seconds = 2 etc.)

-Got through round of 10 ... didn't try 11 as the set of 10 was very challenging and I was pressed for time.

Power Clean
8 Sets of 2
60% (185#) x 2 x 2
70% (225#) x 2 x 2
80% (255#) x 2 x 2
90% (275#) x 2 x2
Rest as needed

-Didn't get the last set in... heaviest set was 275# for a double ... attempted 275# for that second set and missed it.

Each for Time:
250m Row
500m Row
1000m Row
500m Row
250m Row
Rest 1 Minute between intervals

-Didn't get the times on these ... just went for intensity.

3 Sets:
Single Leg KB Dead-lift (53#) x 16 (8 each leg)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :45
Rest as needed

10 Minute ROMWOD



AM Workout (0545) 

Didn't have the best workout today... had some stuff planned out but couldn't really do it because they gym I usually go to was closed for no reason. They never put out an announcement or had an explanation as to why they were closed... but anyway, I just went to another gym on base and got in what I could... wasn't necessarily a bad workout, just not what I wanted to do.

Strict Pulls
5 Max Sets
Rest :90

-22, 9, 8,8, 7 ... spent it all on that first set, felt solid for 20+.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS

-Used 185# across ... stayed within my comfort zone and didn't push the load here... just really focused on position and getting in perfect reps.

EMOM 10:
8 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)
16 Air Squats

-Complete ... challenging, but not that difficult, felt confident I would get every set, was usually 35-45 seconds.

Strict Dips
4 Sets of 1/2 of PR + 1 rep + 10#

-4 Sets of 11 with a 10# Weight

3 Sets:
20 Cross-Body Side Lateral Raise (10 each arm) @ 10#
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1215) 

Every 2 for 24 (12 sets):
200m Run

-Between 34-36 on most of the intervals ... snuck in a 29 on the last one ... for most of these I wasn't able to push it too much... legs feeling a little beat up from yesterday. I was not feeling motivated to get these in... but once I finished I was glad I got these in. Even if these were only at about 85% effort, it was still good to get these in.