Sunday, August 26, 2018


AM Workout (0500)

Down in San Diego for some training and I woke up to go hit the gym early before everything started... apparently the gym is under renovation and everything was fucking closed. Went back to my room and hit a ROMWOD and read until class started at 0830... lame way to start my day after traveling across the country and only sleeping about 5 hours last night.

PM Workout (1600) 

Today was the worst session I've had since starting this cycle... went to this shitty alternate gym that the base has set up... no chalk allowed/piece of shit bars that are needlessly thick (more thick than a regulation mens barbell) and do not spin. Needlessly to stay these cleans felt much heavier than a typical 75%... I'm going to need to find another option to workout because these barbells are not going to cut it for the rest of the week.

Power Clean + Clean
4 sets x 2+1 reps @ 75% (245#)
75% of your one rep max clean. Do not do these touch and go. Focus on form.

-Complete. Worst lifting session ever. Did what I had to do and got it done though.

Front Squat
6 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3%70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


3 Sets:
GHD Back Extensions x 10 reps
Landmine Renegade Row (135#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-Complete, surprised the gym actually had a GHD, it was some off brand / off balance piece of shit, but made it work.

3 Sets:
Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Double KB front rack walks (2 x 45#)
3 sets x 30 reps
30 second slow walk with two kettle bells in the front rack position
Rest as needed

-Complete ... did not do strict TTB ... left my weight lifting shoes on and did kipping TTB. Wish the gym had heavier KB, but tried to do what I could.

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