Friday, April 27, 2012


AM Workout (1030)

Today is an attempt to get back to reality. It was a success! I felt awesome and had a solid training session. I am back in Seattle and have a solid month to prepare for regionals. No more traveling, partying or eating cheat foods. I'm back to the grind and I'm excited to compete. I was surprised by how great I felt in the gym today, everything felt good, even the HSPU. Maybe a little time to party and eat cheat food was good for me. It was absolutely good for my mental well-being. But it's over and I'm ready to get serious again.

EMOM for 20 minutes:

Even Minutes: 3 Hang Cleans (225#) - regional standard
Odd Minutes: 3 Strict Hand Stand Push-up - regional standard

-This felt really good. I felt strong on the hang cleans, power cleaned every rep and almost linked every set. The HSPU also felt great. I was surprised as hell how good they felt.

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:

Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Hand Release Push-ups
GHD Sit-ups

8.03. This was a fast workout, I felt pretty good. Overall a solid training session. Excited for my PM workout and tomorrow!

PM Workout (1830)

Had a great session this afternoon. I didn't feel great on my way to the gym, but once I got warm I felt awesome. I experimented with the 2k row and the pistols of event 2. Here's how it looked:

For time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols

-I came off the row in exactly 7 minutes, I think this was a PR. I didn't feel very gassed after this, in fact I plan to row sub 7 at regionals. It took me about 15 seconds to transition into the rower, get strapped in and move the damper to 8. Once I got through the pistols I was at 10:03. The pistols took me a little longer than expected. I think I could make up some time on these. I don't train these often and need to work on just banging them out quickly. I didn't really rest, but went through them methodically. I'm really excited for this event at regionals. It's going to be my time to shine. I'm going to do day 1 of regionals sometime next week, excited to see how it goes.

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:
Burpees (onto plate)

4:30. I didn't feel particularly good on this section of the workout, my time was about 45 seconds slower than the last time I did this, but my faster time was not onto a plate. Anyway I felt the lactate buildup at the end of 21. Everything was unbroken. I was gasping toward the end of this. I miss these short and high intensity WODs, haven't done one in a while. Overall the best day of training I've had in a while. It feels good to be an athlete.

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